TBD on Ning

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Same here, Robbie! I am SO in the mood to rant & I got nothing but a gratitude list. grrr.
She works out, just like these guys.

OK, this one really rattles my cage! I'm having surgery on Tuesday, BUT they won't tell me what time to be at the hospital until Monday! What's up with that?? Especially difficult because I have to have a neighbor drive me, and the hospital is at least an hour and a half away. ratsafratswrechawratcha!!!
That sucks, TBub!
They did the same thing in Fl. when my wife had her knees operated on. Didn't know when to be there till the day before. But that was different because I was right there to take her, and the hospital was 7 miles away.
And I can't find my socks and I ate my crayons! WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!
Your crayons are under the bed.... I think you ate your socks.
This is all, just, so...endearing.
Thanks Snagg, I feel your compassion.
Thanks. I have such a bottomless supply of it, it frequently oozes out my ears.

Where the HELL is that guy who's supposed to be here to give us an estimate on our roof?! I have things to see and people to do!
Settle in for the long haul buddy---contractor's on time?

They're worse than the cable company
I said my cage was rattled, just didn't know how much till I realised my surgery isn't till Wednesday. Can you imagine how stressed I would have been if I waited all day Monday for a call that isn't coming till Tuesday????????




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