TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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Is there any ranting going on here anymore>?
Or is it just whining?

[I was going to do a smiley face, but this isn't the place for that, is it?]
Whining is a variation of ranting. I would draw the line on throwing ones self on the floor in a tantrum though. I'd suggest that you not do that, Quinn. You never know what you might roll in, right? Lucy seems to have it out for you. :-) <-------
She has matured and we have an understanding now. She does her business outdoors and I feed her.
Apparently, food trumps poo...

I did not know whining was in the rant family.
Damn, you could have told me sooner!
Had I known, I would have just come in here and parked it!
What about b!tching? 'Cause I think I come in here to b!tch. That would fall under the "Rant" category, wouldn't it? Could you just show us the forms that fall under "Rant" please?
So, we have ranting & raving, and under rant we have whining, & I think b!tching....
complaining, barking, yelling, accusing, venting, railing... how 'bout it, Ubu, do those all pass under the Rant Umbrella?
I need an outline.
Double spaced with all the proper indentations.
Within the hour please...
Can it be on a Big Chief tablet?

Flow charts are Snagg's specialty.
What's a Big Chief tablet???

A flow chart isn't necessary.
But a pivot table would be nice...
I don't know what a Big Chief tablet is, either! Yes, Ubu, we want it on a Big Chief tablet!
Yay, Quinn! And double checked for any grammatical errors, please.
Actually, if he messes up the format & has grammatical errors, that would give us fodder to rant about, so maybe we WANT mistakes?
Do you all live in a bubble? Seinfeld should have done a bubble girl episode. Or maybe it wasn't in your neck of the woods.

Big Chief http://www.irememberjfk.com/mt/2007/02/the_big_chief_tablet.php

I suffered greatly from my last misspelling. Thanks, Q.
Wow. I have learned so much tonight. Felicia taught me about enisling & you taught me about Big Chief tablets. I am going to bed so much smarter than I woke up this morning! I can honestly say I've never seen a Big Chief tablet before tonight.




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