TBD on Ning

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I looked out the back door this morning and saw a fox hopping through the meadow in a hurry. The meadow had so much jackfrost is looked almost like snow. I guess the young fox had the frost nipping at him. Warming up now. I guess I will have another winter without snow.

Ain't it wonderfull??

Come on up Aggie, we got plenty of snow here.
I remember seeing that clip Ms Farquar posted of her lawn mowing techniques, and I was just wondering if she knows how to shovel snow.  I could use some backup heah.
Us folks down here in the Promised Land don't know nuttin' 'bout shovelin' no snow. We know 'bout shovelin' dirt and stuff. I learned about snow last January while visiting the Yankee Girl.
But, can you birth babies?
As in baby calves.....yes.
I always thought Ms Farquar had well turned calves.
February 2nd is coming and if that !!!@#%*%#@!!! rodent sees his shadow, it will be the last time he sees his shadow.....

Us Yankees don't cotton to threats against our beloved Phil...

Where's my fellow Pennsylvanians? ;-)

Poor Phil. Everytime I see him unwillingly drug out of his warm burrow, he looks so bored.
He's not bored, he's comatose. It's that hibernation thing. Hell, A bowling trophy is probably more aware that it's being dragged around and propped up for photographs than ol' Phil is.




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