TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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We probably are watched.......anyone can bring up this site or MA and read the threads, though not be able to post without joining. It stands to reason that since this was the first offshoot of TBDv1 that people are still interested in the health of this site.

Hello Kooner!  Welcome!


I never worry about whether I'm being watched....my posts are always as pure as the driven snow.



o, sorry Stir. Did I laugh out loud?

I didn't hear a thing....:=))
O, good. I wouldn't want to offend anyone :-))


You sharing?

Is that like a urine test???

rain, rain and ,more rain, I guess it is better than a blizzard.

Friday more snow.

I got really dry winter skin and the damn new facial skin lotion I put on my face

is making my eyes water really bad. It is getting annoying.

Everytime i walk past Mrs.Pennypacker she reaches her paw out and whacks me.

She should get a job working for the Sopranos.

Now a real RATass rant my car is dirty and that really gets my goat.


Does the goat have a heated bed too??
What does a burning mouse have to do with anything?
I thought I smelled smoke.




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