TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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hahaha.... I'm so glad about that! '-)


I think it's b/c mr. hottie has been gone for a week on a business trip... he gets home tomorrow night. The weekend should warm up. '-)


Rave: verrrry nice pic you're sporting there, her cowboy. '-)

Thank you, Ma'am... :=)
yw... *curtsy* '-)
I don't want to shovel this icy, heavy snow today.
I'm sorry, Beth. It sucks. I haven't seen another human being face-to-face since last Saturday. I'm getting cabin fever. I've phoned, texted, e-mailed, y/m'd & Skyped, but eventually, I just need some human contact. I'd hoped just to make a little local trip to the grocery store today, but the ice is actually worse now, b/c of the thawing a little & then refreezing.
anybody wanna Skype?

They dropped the DWI charges for riding a horse drunk in the city of Austin today.
Does the horse have to be sober????

I once rode a horse drunk in 1976, I  was jumpimng him over fences, it was a jumper.

Needless to say I fell off.

I learned my lesson don't ride  drunk, get the horse drunk, they are easier to ride!


I bet that horse is the pix is ready to rant. Having a dog at the reins and a drunk on his hindquarters, he should buck them off.

Above is link to the news story.




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