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Mean, self centered, self serving people, dripping with a sense of self importance and a false sense of adequacy just irritate the crap out of me.
'I got a rant.
I am feeding the lady's cats down the street.
She left to go to Costa Rico and left the 3 cats outside.
I got 2 inside but the 3rd won't come in.
It is cold and rainy here in NJ.
She had no litter in litter box, no water bowl.
I don't think that lady should have cats.
One cat is ALWAYS up in my yard, one time right at the front door.
He is very friendly, I know he wants to move in and be spoiled, and not out in the cold rain.
Once he accidentlay got in the old cellar and was in there for 2 days. I found him and set him free. I will feed the cats, I feel sorry for them, but it makes me mad she takes such awful care of them. her house is a mess too.
Reply by Bob Stepp 3 hours ago
Mean, self centered, self serving people, dripping with a sense of self importance and a false sense of adequacy just irritate the crap out of me.

Me too!

You should add this to my "Pet Peeve" Q&A!
I'll do that...
me too!
The three....very young and healthy people that live upstairs....that refuse to thin out their ever growing pile of mail,not just junk but personal , on our shared front porch. I just found a late gas bill, for moi, in the bottom of their pile!
There is a car parked in back (their spot) that has been there for 2 years!!!
Oh, they don't seem to care about the icy front steps either. Even though there is a bag of rock salt RIGHT by the door!
For the love of God....why can't they take off their shoes when they come in? They must wear cement sneakers...!
Snarky old lady

*off to find 'rank and rave' thread....again......:-(
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Very good!

Want to hear something truly f**ked up?!!!? According to several Facebook sources in addition to our local newscasts, members of Fred Phelps' Westboro "CULT" will be in Raleigh, North Carolina this Saturday to protest outside of the church holding the funeral service for the recently deceased Elizabeth Edwards.


This woman battled cancer, was publicly degraded by the revelation of her husband's extra-marital affair, which resulted in the birth of a child out of wedlock and mass media attention over the issue of ownership rights to an alleged video of Mr. Edwards' and Miss Hunter's escapade.

These cultists, who claim to be acting on "GOD'S AUTHORITY" picket/protest military funerals, demonstrate outside of live entertainment venues and harass clinicians, are the lowest form of human scum and to say that "GOD" has sanctioned their behaviour (yes, I used the letter "U", so what? *LOL*) is highly demonstrative of arrogance, ignorance, intolerance and religious prejudice. How any "GOD" or person of "FAITH" can condone these actions is beyond me.

It would seem that the powers that be here took offense to my post about how the Westboro Cultists are picketing the funeral service for the recently deceased Elizabeth Edwards and removed it.

Here again is the post in it's entirety. How it could be perceived as a personal attack against any of the TBD members is beyond me. If this violated any TBD guidelines, I was not aware of said violation, NOR WAS I INFORMED IN WRITING PUBLICLY OR PRIVATELY BY THE ADMINISTRATION. If the deletion of my post was not the action(s) of the administration then it must have been done by a lone "vigilante" with an axe to grind or a hidden agenda.



Want to hear something truly f**ked up?!!!? According to several Facebook sources in addition to our local newscasts, members of Fred Phelps' Westboro "CULT" will be in Raleigh, North Carolina this Saturday to protest outside of the church holding the funeral service for the recently deceased Elizabeth Edwards.


This woman battled cancer, was publicly degraded by the revelation of her husband's extra-marital affair, which resulted in the birth of a child out of wedlock and mass media attention over the issue of ownership rights to an alleged video of Mr. Edwards' and Miss Hunter's escapade.

These cultists, who claim to be acting on "GOD'S AUTHORITY" picket/protest military funerals, demonstrate outside of live entertainment venues and harass clinicians, are the lowest form of human scum and to say that "GOD" has sanctioned their behaviour (yes, I used the letter "U", so what? *LOL*) is highly demonstrative of arrogance, ignorance, intolerance and religious prejudice. How any "GOD" or person of "FAITH" can condone these actions is beyond me.

I usually restrain my violent impulses, but I'd have no problem with feeding Fred Phelps through a tree chipper - Alive and awake the whole time, so that he could "experience the event in it's totality".

He's a vicious, prideful old attention whore, with no more compassion for other people's feelings than a soul to be saved. I don't even BELIEVE in god, but I do believe in right and wrong, and Phelps is 1000% on the wrong side of that coin.

If he did nothing more than publish his little hate screeds on the internet, or rant and vent in his desanctified church, I'd say he's still under the auspices of the First Amendment. Freedom ain't always pretty. But when you start physically interfering with graveside services and memorials of fallen soldiers or any other citizen of the United States, the kid gloves come off. Braying scum like Phelps hide behind the Constitution, while they'd deny it's very same protections to others if they thought that they could get away with it. I for one would cheer to see a squad of vets show up at one of Phelp's little soiree's and beat him and his drones into screaming comas, right there in the street. Maybe then the heartless bastard might think twice the next time he feels like desecrating some innocent stranger's final farewells. Fuck him, and his chickenshit flock.




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