TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

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Hmmmm, Anteaters can snap their fingere??? Are ya sure???

Maybe after they get a manicure!!!


I saw a tee shirt today on a young girl, late teens probably.

On the front it said, "Who needs big tits" with an arrow pointing around to the back.

On the back it said, "when you have an ass like this".

I feel old and prudish. I don't think that's appropriate to wear in public.

I agree.
She could have saved on T-shirt lettering by having "Under-developed" in front and an arrow pointing to "Over-exposed" in the back.
That's much too long to display on a T-shirt.
LONDON (AFP) – Lawyers for US pop icon Lady Gaga have threatened legal proceedings against the makers of breast milk ice cream named "Baby Gaga", according to papers seen by AFP on Saturday.

The cafe in the trendy Covent Garden district must also "cease and desist from in any other way associating with Lady Gaga any ice cream you are offering," said the letter from law firm Mishcon de Reya.

The letter accuses The Icecreamists of "taking unfair advantage of, and riding on the coattails of" Lady Gaga's trademarks in a manner that is "deliberately provocative and, to many people, nausea-inducing".
it is a cold rain here in NJ

Hi, Beth!

We have heavy, wet snow here in the 'Burgh.

Hi Golilocks. Lots of times here it won't snow just rain becuz it is so close to the Ocean.


I wonder what Charlie Sheen is doing tonight?

...Every now and then, I get a batch of songs that demand to be played, but for the luvva Pete, I can't figure out how to sequence them. No combination or order seems to do the best job of bringing out their inherent weirdness.

'Tis a vexation, truly, and I may just have to hold my nose and jump off a cliff. Hell, I never said I was an artist or anything.




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