TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

Tags: thinking

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You guys opened up a can of worms.
where can someone get a can of worms, I never seen it in Shop-Right, Shop N' Shop, Safeway,
Giant,Wal-Mart, Pet-Co or any other store.
Who wants a can of worms. geeze lawweze I worked horses and dogs, we are always worming them including the puppies.
We never canned the worms coming out.
What about canned heat? How do you can heat?
There are plenty of cans with worms in them.
Everyone is afraid to open then.
people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Have you EVER seen a glass house? bathroom/ room all glass.
Do they have curtains?
A glass toilet.

why does my cat have to rub against my pants leg when i have clean black pants on? Every cat hair shows up.
She usually never rubs my pants legs.
Is this a preprogramed cat thing?
You cat is putting her scent on you.
You are branded.
why don't they make glass houses out of bullet proof glass?
They they could throw stones.
If I was taking a shower in a class house, I would need bullet proof glass so when they throw things It would not hurt anything.
pigs in a blanket?
I never saw blankets for pigs.
i have seen horse, pony, dog, cat, human blankets but no pig blankets.
well, if it were horses, ponies, dogs, cats or humans in a blanket, we wouldn't eat them, silly! ;-p
Confucius says, Man who live in glass house, should change clothes in basement.




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