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Where are you?

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is he missin again ?? we gotta start lockin that back door and gate .. 

i was kidnapped by tea partiers..and i talked politics with them

("pa, make him stop. he's making my head hurt" "that's called thinking, son...don't worry. you won't have to get used to it")

i'll let you have the last word...since you don't care about facts anyway. funny that you don't see the point of correlating facts and political philosophy...it makes the concept of a political philosophy moot
@ProblemAgain: how are you correlating facts and a political philosophy? What you are doing is trying to take a set of circumstances and put them forth as proof that conservatism failed. You can't attack the concept so you attack the actions of certain people and try and equate those actions to the concept. It's boring and pointless to debate someone like you.

ronald reagan is virtually the patron saint of conservatism yet for all the rhetoric, he ran up huge deficits and expanded the federal government, exactly the opposite of all the political philosophy and all the speeches yet that's fine with you. and under bush jr, the wars in iraq and afghanistan were subcontracted out to nonbid private parties to keep the costs off the budget and that's fine with you, too i guess. the point being that no matter what the political philosophy is blathered about, if the actions don't match the verbiage than it is all just political speeches and NOT a philosophy but a gimmick to trick the rubes into the tent

    My congressman has a picture of Ronald Reagan in his Marlboro Cigarette pose in his office (which I visit occasionally just to exercise my eye rolling ability).

    You should get one of the "free Obama Phones" so you can contact people to let them know you have not gone AWOL. They used to be called "Reagan Phones" but times change:

From a fact checker site: "The Lifeline program originated in 1984, during the administration of Ronald Reagan; it was expanded in 1996, during the administration of Bill Clinton; and its first cellular provider service (SafeLink Wireless) was launched by TracFone in 2008, during the administration of George W. Bush. All of these milestones were passed prior to the advent of the Obama administration.

The Lifeline program only covers monthly discounts on landline or wireless telephone service for eligible consumers. It does not pay cellular companies to provide free cell phones to consumers, although some cellular service providers choose to offer that benefit to their Lifeline customers."


see??? you do it too. it's all those pesky facts.....it's lots simpler to just read bumper stickers...

I have 3600 minutes built up on my Safe Link phone . Safe Link called me the other night to please at least one time each month or i may loose it . I then called my time and temp 3 times to fill my obligation . Mr Reagan was and always be the president i will always respect . Not because he was a Republican but because he was a good man ..

it really was an interesting discussion...the tea party guy telling me that actions have nothing to do with political philosophy...and the very same people talking about individual freedoms were also trying to figure out how to make their hoa compel one household to change their garden decorations and another to paint their house a different color and yet a third to not park their own cars on the street in front of their own house. kind of tells the tale doesn't it?

I'll put out an APB on him...

i've never worn an APB in my life...is it kinky? is it fun? when do we start?

We're all pitching in and getting you a GPS problem.

oooooooo that does sound kinky! does it come in colors or just the basic black? and how do you pronounce those things anyway? i mean an APB.....i guess it is meant to sound like a phone app....and a gps...like gips? with a hard g...and do they come with the lime jello, the 9 volt battery and the visegrips or are those extra?

I may have this mixed up, I guess a GPS would help you find us or avoid us which ever the case may be. I'm not sure what the correct thingy is called to help us track you, spies use them I know because I've read about them in books.  Lime Jello you have to buy on your own, sorry.




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