TBD on Ning

I have heard it all now!!

President Obama plans to give a speech on CSPAN to be aired in the classroom next Tuesday, a speech encouraging kids to strive in school and to continue their education.

No big, right? Until you put it in the hands of Republicans/conservatives. People are actually threatening to keep their kids home from school to keep their kids from being "indoctrinated". Insane. OOOO, the President wants students to write letters to themselves telling how they can help the President.

I recall Reagan and both Bushes addressing students, TVs rolled into the classroom in order for us to hear the president address us. I remember having to write letters TO the President telling why we respected him. But that's different, right? Because those presidents were...?

Tags: Obama, education, president, propaganda, school, speech

Views: 47

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It is pointless to argue with these people because their sole agenda is to bad mouth anything the president does. Yes, they will lie and pretend that he is stepping out of bounds, though he is doing what every other president before him has done. I am sorry but to me it is again about their disgust that a "Black" man would tell THEIR children anything.

These people are whack jobs without a thought of there own or the have something personal against the president and we all know what that is. Yes, they will be offended by the very idea that someone will call them out on their transparent game. I could care less, they have no respect for the president and those of us who elected him, I have none for them.
Grace, I agree with you on this. There seems to be absolutely nothing President Obama can do without getting criticized by the Right Winger Nut Crowd. Hopefully the majority in this country can see through their nutty ways.
And the only criticism of a president addressing students was a pay-to-read article from 1989 where students gave President Bush a failing grade for being out of touch when he said that narcing on your friends wouldn't make you a nerd. lol
Well, now that IS funny! I didn't know he said that, lol.
Given the backward nature of our school (we're in IL, one of the states listed as bitching), maybe I should keep my kids home Tuesday to make sure they get to see the speech...
I would email the superintendent back and inform him that your youngest won't be attending school that day in order for him/her to stay home and watch the President's speech. Let him chew on that.
Add Bill Maher to his curriculum, and it would almost balance out. ;-)
that'll teach 'im.
Yea, I like that idea, brujo, let's get 'em all back, let's "teach 'im". Role models . . . we sure need to find us more, 'cause this is really an opportune time to teach children about the democratic process and the push/shove that's involved when people don't agree, but then we finally are able to work things out. No, we let them know it's good to "teach 'im" a lesson, get back at 'em, play one-upmanship or revenge tactics.

Children, like adults, have to learn (and hopefully earlier than later) that life is a series of compromises, that we don't always get our own way, that we are judged by the company we keep, how best to manage those feelings of anger, irritation, and bitterness, and that happiness comes from within. If we teach them revenge tactics, name-calling, "compromise-my ass", and other such things, we become no better, in fact worse, than those we hold in contempt. We lose. Our children lose. Then, when they grow up, we lose again. Sad, very sad, IMO.
You all realize that if we had stood up, or bullied our schools to stand up, and insisted that the President's speech not be aired in classes during any previous administration we would have been called traitors, unpatriotic, disrespectful to the office of the president, and had shame thrown at us by the rest of the nation. I guess treason is in fashion this year, so it's alright.
Jaquin you are a Bigot! Not once have I ever said anything about not liking our president because of his skin color( I don't like his agenda) ! You and people like you use the color of a mans skin in order to try and make a point which to me makes you the worst kind of Racist there is!
Cynthia my dear do you know what his agenda is? All I have ever seen from you is the repeatition of talking points fed to you by your heros Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and Faux News. Which are basically all lies either completely made up or truth twisted into something totally unrecognizable. If you will believe such things there must be a deeper seated reason than not agreeing with his agenda. Have a nice evening.




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