TBD on Ning

I have heard it all now!!

President Obama plans to give a speech on CSPAN to be aired in the classroom next Tuesday, a speech encouraging kids to strive in school and to continue their education.

No big, right? Until you put it in the hands of Republicans/conservatives. People are actually threatening to keep their kids home from school to keep their kids from being "indoctrinated". Insane. OOOO, the President wants students to write letters to themselves telling how they can help the President.

I recall Reagan and both Bushes addressing students, TVs rolled into the classroom in order for us to hear the president address us. I remember having to write letters TO the President telling why we respected him. But that's different, right? Because those presidents were...?

Tags: Obama, education, president, propaganda, school, speech

Views: 47

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I saw a big article from a Texas newspaper about Texans being "up in arms"

For myself...I can't WAIT for Texas to secede.
We're not all "up in arms". The article must not be too big, because it's not been on our local news in the DFW area. I don't personally know of anyone that is losing their lunch over all this. BTW, we don't all own horses, wear spurs, and spit, either. Also, for the ignorant of the group, Texas was not the first, nor the last state, to introduce the use of the Bible in our public schools. It seems, perhaps because we are such a large state and home of the infamous GWB, that people love to hate us. Oh, and maybe, too, because we have some of the richest, as well as poorest, people in the USA.
You all crack me up with your make believe open minds! ROTFLMAO! Hehehehehahahehehe! Don't need the comedy station with you guys!
And you believe that "you" have an open mind? Surely you jest.
Thing is, pickle, we don't use the "open/close mind" mantra as one of our main points to hit the other side over the head with. Conservatives are frequently being called "close" or "narrow-minded" by the Left.
If the shoe fits.
And if it doesn't, then what name do you call the conservative citizen? It seems it's always something.
Jacquin, you apparently hate your own race as you keep bringing this "whitey" thing up. I'm sorry you cannot be proud of who you are, but please quit pushing labels onto the rest of us because of it.
No, the "message" is NOT clearly racism, sheesh! Maybe there will be those who will use it as a convenient way to show their butt in that direction, but any thinking citizen will most certainly realize that we have some very, very real and serious philosophical differences between the two major parties!!! We have enough problems between us all, why do we need to make up another one just to be able to say, "see, I told you, racism isn't dead. WASP is alive and well." Well, I say shame on those who keep pulling the race card. Let's work on the real differences that the most of us "know" exist here . . . philosophy of how to "get er dun'.
I run from eastern block to stay away from such guys and girls when we spoke of getting rid of prejudice and bigotry, they would tell us aren't you proud of your race? I don't have to be ... to be proud of race, tribe, or any distinctions, then again, those, who back in the 50s and sixties are g who fought tooth and nail, against any form legislations to make women have equal rights, minorities to have the same rights as every body else are older, grayer and yes a bit modified in their tactics but still fighting. These are the same folks who defended Nixon when he trumped the constitutions and CIA and FBI his private guard. Ask majority of kids who are yonger than 30, they don't see tribalisms, race or ethnicity, they just see a person, unlike the graying phony conservatives. They use the conservative mantra only when it suit them.
That doesn't even make sense, Cynthia. I'm going to run the risk of being accused of sinking to your level and ask, is it half past Valium time? Because the exaggerated laugh and unrelated accusation (your make believe open minds?) are signs of a manic episode.

You may have missed the main topic, but the original topic is about the conservative public over-reacting in an extreme manner to something presidents have done since the television was invented. Perhaps your reaction is due to a little guilty conscious transference?
Just to get an idea of how other presidents have been allowed to "indoctrinate" children I did a search and found this post by a blogger that includes resources.

I'm going to copy it here, but I included the link in order to give the blogger credit for doing the work. My props to her for doing the leg work and tracking down sources.

SheCountsCrows says:
Have you heard? The president is going to give a speech directly to the youth of our nation!

In 1988, President Reagan gave several speeches directly to Middle Schoolers, and it DID have political content.

The events were filmed and rebroadcast to schools across the nation.
This is a record of it, from the Reagan Library archives.


in the late 80's, First Lady Nancy Reagan (not an official political figure, but strongly associated with one, of course) as part of her "just say no to drugs" program, toured schools giving many, many speeches in person. A program of TV spots and commercials geared towards children were also filmed and aired.
Here is one of them:

in 1991, President George H. W. Bush addressed students in classrooms across the nation via television. It was a coordinated broadcast, exactly like the one slated to air this week.

Here is a transcript of a portion of it, from the Bush Library.

President George W. Bush went to elementary schools, went right into classrooms and read books to small children. Many of you will remember this, because it is what he was doing when he received the terrible news about the attacks on the twin towers.
But, in case you don't, here is footage of that particular event.

This week, President Obama will give a speech to the nation's children on the topic of staying in school.
Individual schools can choose whether or not to air it, or participate in the program.

People are telling you this is something that has never been done before by an American president, that it is a dangerous precedent.
But they give you no evidence. They just TELL you it's so.

This is where critical, independent thought comes in.

Do you believe the things people tell you, just because they say them? Or do you try to find out for yourself if they're true, by doing independent research? Do you seek out and listen to various view points, including those you disagree with?

As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing wrong with a one-time speech by ANY American President delivered to children and teens, particularly a non-partisan speech.
If it were a weekly occurrence, then I might be concerned.

If you don't like the contents of the speech,
then use this as a teaching moment,
and introduce your kids to critical thinking.

Because, after all, that's how kids learn...
by being introduced to the world and learning to analyze it.
You cannot educate your children by blocking them from ALL exposure to people whom you disagree with,
including the democratically elected leader of their country.
Talk to them about the speech.
Calmly, and with respect for their developing minds.

When they get home, look up a transcript of the speech online, from several reputable sources, including BOTH news providers you trust AND whitehouse.gov
Anyone who gives you quotes rather than a complete transcript is questionable.
Read it.

Then sit down and ask them what they thought of it.
Have a talk about the speech. Examine it.

This is INFINITELY more useful, no matter what your political leanings, than keeping your kids home.




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