TBD on Ning

I'd like to restart a interactive game I liked from the old place, maybe started by Cowgirlu, but I'm not sure.
What you do is posit a choice between two things, and the next person chooses and posits the next choice. I will start the choices below

Tags: alternatives, choices

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Cashews (gesundheit)

(Hi, Aggie!!!)

Coors or Old Milwaulkee?

Rip the paper off the present quickly, or unwrap slowly to save the wrapping paper?
Slowly, saving the wrapping paper.

Pabst Blue Ribbon or Olympia?

Lead balloon or stalemate?

Christmas or Easter?
hmmm . . . Easter.

religious or cultural?

this game or Let the Battle Begin?
this game

turkey or prime rib?
prime rib

ham or game?
game w/dressing

figure-skating or hockey?
figure skating

football or basketball?
basket ball

bubble gum or wriggly gum




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