TBD on Ning




A thread to ask whatever we're wondering about. 

I know we can do this individually in Q&A, but this thread can be akin

to Random Thoughts in Games, only queries.

Feel free to include the answer to your question, or not.


Tags: How do I...?, What is the difference b/t...?, When is...?

Views: 1980

Replies to This Discussion

It is rather difficult to keep my mouth shut sometimes.....but I'm conserving my energy for other pursuits.
I am not well schooled in regards to world affairs…

But, I do know that Libya borders Egypt, another country in transition. In addition, the North African region is critical because of its intersection of Asia, Europe and Africa.

Regional instability could have far-reaching effects.
Who knows, someone worse than Qaddafi might take his place. The country could splinter into warring factions…
Europeans might see higher gas prices. Maybe we will too. I don’t think we buy any oil from Libya, but I believe we buy some from other countries in North Africa…

If nothing else, combined with the recent deaths of other terrorists—most notably Bin-Laden, maybe this will this send a message that terrorism of any kind will no longer be tolerated.

Time will tell, I guess.
That was all very insightful. Thank you, Quinn.

You are not well schooled in world affairs. Are you?

This was meant for Quinn. I think. However, I am not well schooled.

I baked! Who woulda thought I'd be successful?
What did you bake? And do you have any left?
I made Apple Brown Betty.
I never had it before. It was deeeelish!
And, yes, I have some left, but I'm not sharing :-D
Not even with your TBuddy?

But I still love ya...
Is there an overabundance of air freshener commercials, or is it just me?

Just a shortage of fresh air, most air has been re-cycles many times over the ages.





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