TBD on Ning

What's something every person should do?

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shoulda woulda coulda

giddy up

with or with out spurs?

definitely "with"

I went to Denver, which I think was about 7000 feet and I couldn't breathe.  I remember wondering why I was staggering and was worried about my blood sugar.  My ex, who spent time in Asmara Ethiopia figured it out that it was altitude sickness.  I had to cancel plans I had to go up further the next day.  My asthma wasn't happy. 

How, pray tell, do you guys get so far off the rails??
We can't leave you guys alone for a minute, can we? :-)


we crave supervision...oh,,and discipline.

"Discipline".....Is that a euphemism for spanking? ;-)

SHEESH, I miss all the good stuff.  You guys were having a partay and didn't invite me?




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