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What's the goofiest thing you had to show someone how to do?

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When I first started dating Beth she wanted a picture of me.  I had this really, really goofy picture of me that I framed in a Harley Davidson toilet seat and hung it on her wall.  You had to lift the lid to see my picture.

She wasn't too impressed.  Neither were her friends, in fact they seriously wondered ...

How to use and reload a manual stapler.

I went into the kitchen and saw my 14 yr. old daughter trying to open a bottle of sparkling water with a bottle opener, she had no idea how to use it.  

You know Carrie, that seems so simple, but a bottle opener is almost obsolete I guess. I still keep one because if the electricity ever goes out, we still need to have a way to open cans. That is funny to think about kids now-a-days not really having the pleasure of a nice cold bottle of pop opened by one of those.

Showing my grandson and granddaughters how to play a vinyl album. They were amazed that CD's were made that big!

lolol...those big CD's are the genuine goods!

On the occasions that I had to be shown a supposedly simple thing, I would ask, "Did you automatically know how to do this the first time you ever did it?"  At least twice, I remember, the answer was, "Uh, no."  Once was the tiny hand-held can opener. 

Also, don't be so sure they don't know how.  They might just be yanking your chain.

A young man my daughter brought home for dinner once had to be shown how to eat chicken with bones in it. He never really understood and made a general mess of his chicken breast.


years ago, a guy I was dating bit into a pomegranate just like it was an apple; he'd never even seen a pomegranate before so it was all new to him.

When I was about 15 my boyfriend's grandparents took us on a road trip to Columbus, OH to the downtown mall. I had to be shown how to get on the escalator! They had a ball watching me get on and off that thing..lol

...would'a loved to see that one LOL 




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