TBD on Ning

High school: Did you love it, like it, don't remember, hate it?

I was not happy in high school  I always felt like I was on the fringes of every crowd. I got good grades easily, but the social thing was very hard for me. For those like me who were late bloomers, it was like Janis Ian's song Seventeen.  Bleh!  Glad it's way far in the past.

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I went to a city school in NJ and we had FFA back in my day.  Every year, we had a farmer fair.  I learned how to milk a cow in a concrete parking lot between the main school and the annex.  In my freshman year, I was voted Farmer Queen by my homeroom, lol.  My friend won the title in the school competition though.  See what I meahn?  I couldn't even win Farmer Queen.  Waaaaaaaaah!




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