TBD on Ning

We're still here, we survived whatever the holidaze brought us, and we're ready for the serious part of winter, right?  Whether you love it or hate it, we'll get thru it.

Did you make any resolutions?  if you did, come back mid-January and tell us how you're doing with that!

Tags: friends, happy, january

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Thursday already.  i'm not sure i like this "time flying by" thing.  i want to enjoy and savor the time, but it seems to slip right thru my fingers.  sigh.

and this pneumonia weather -- 20º one day, 50+ the next -- is bizarre.  i suppose i am glad that the last 2 days of rain weren't snowfall accumulating, at least.

make the best of your day, my friends!

Believe me I share your concern  about time flying by.  Why didn't it do it when I was working?

Okay just returned home from the doctor.  He suspects the only damage to my knee is a torn medial meniscus.  He is ordering an MRI to be sure then definitely mini-surgery (too lazy to write arthroscopic correctly) to remove loose/torn bits as early as next week.

well, you might have gotten lucky, Richard!  arthroscopic surgery isn't trivial but it sure could be worse.  but having been immobilized for, what, 2 weeks now, you're gonna' have to work at getting full function back, sigh.  but you will.  you'll get your MRI and results soon, i hope.  i'm just glad you were able to wrestle this insurance thingee into submission, that must've been a bear!

wind advisory from about now until tomorrow evening, gusts up to 55 mph -- bringing us COLD.

have laid in "normal people" food for guests this weekend.  have some options for entertaining the teen girls, to discuss w/ their mom when they get here.  seems really wierd to have forbidden foods in the house -- chicken, cheerios (well, i don't like  cereal anyhow), pancake mix, real spaghetti!  but it'll be a good weekend.

I have a Live Journal friend who led the way with the same procedure a few months back.  So, if I am lucky there won't be much required in regard to post op rehab.  However, there is always the possibility the surgeon might find more to do once he pokes his nose in there.  Hahaha


good morning my friends and good luck with the knee Richard, hope it is something that can be repaired and done with. I am procrastinating this am, have to get dressed and to the car dealership by nine...to have my car serviced...would rather veg at home...

Well, my brothers brain MRI shows no tumors there, so that is good news, he will have a PET scan on Monday, I think it is and then meet with the thorasic surgeon on Wednesday,  we shall see...

Anyhow, time is flying by for me even when I am working...there is a huge push to get ready for the federal medicaid audit...guess florida lost millions of dollars because of dings in charts...oh well, we do what we can do...and the best is all that they can expect of any of us...everyone is a little pressured and out of sorts...

hope everyone has a day filled with love and laughter

Lynn, have fun with your house guests this weekend

it's friday, and the chill winds are blowing in some january weather.  at 1 pm, it's up to 32º.  ugh.

have some minutes to write but i think i'll go swim instead.  just as soon as i grab a light lunch.

Thalia, sounds like even with fewer hours, work is managing to be super stressful.  as if just knowing your brother's health status weren't stressful enough.  please be careful to take good care of YOU!

hi, Richard and Crystal, and Robbie when you get here, and others who might pop in....

Thalia the MRI results is good news.  I hope there is more good news as a result of the PET scan on Monday.  Have a good day and a relaxing weekend.  :)

Hi Lynn and Thally,

I'm just checking in wherever I can this morning to get myself moving until the caffeine kicks in.

Putting on the pressure stockings certainly gets my blood moving these days!

I don't know what I would do if I wasn't flexible enough to do that.  I am grateful that I can still touch my toes.

Good morning Baia!  I am glad to see someone who lives in my time zone here.  :)  Happy to see you dropped by.  We are a small but friendly group here dedicated to keep the place alive.  I am thinking of another jolt of coffee myself as my eyes still feel better closed.  LOL

It's Friday the 13th.... so what!  I treat it like any other day on the 13th.  So far so good today except for the sunny ccccccold weather.  28 outside, 68 inside!  Color me cozy.

only a few degrees warmer here, with strong winds out of the northwest, most of the day. brrr indeed!  lows between 15-20 all weekend, so i'll be turning the electric/emergency heat on. just as well to have guests and blame it on their comfort, but when it gets that cold, heat pumps are useless.

Baia, thanks for stopping in here! somehow, wrestling with compression stockings sounds like a difficult way to begin the day, but if they keep the ol' blood from plugging up veins, it's worth it!

Late check in as usual anymore. Still removing clutter from the computer. However it is still operating intemitently. I am getting closer and closer to going over to the dark side. After 30 years of Microsoft, Apple is starting to look pretty good.




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