TBD on Ning

We're still here, we survived whatever the holidaze brought us, and we're ready for the serious part of winter, right?  Whether you love it or hate it, we'll get thru it.

Did you make any resolutions?  if you did, come back mid-January and tell us how you're doing with that!

Tags: friends, happy, january

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good evening all,

Tomorrow is my hump day  LOL and I don't have to be in until eleven.  Was a good work day today, we are trying to get ready for the chart audit by the feds and I think that my charts are about ready.  Anyhow...work goes on and it is just work...

Took Alia out to dinner tonight as I realized this weekend, I really, really miss her company.  I have got to find something to do with my time...when I am home on the weekends...this weekend was bleak...but oh well...has been worse

my good friend mary, who picked up and moved with her boyfriend to florida (against my better advise  LOL) well he has decided it is not working and she is too expensive...and he wants to go to Equador...so who knows, maybe she will be back in colorado sooner than we expected....her daughter does live near her, yet her support system is all here...I would love to have her back...

Hope all is well with all

My brother told me that he has cancer...and it does not look good, looks as if it has spread everywhere...he had a brain MRI today and soon will have a PET scan...the thorasic surgeon has told him it is not operable...so we shall see...he has a good attitude about it...and think he is just ready to do whatever, keep him in your prayers

love and laughter to all


Wow, Thally,I hope the year soon gets better for you, your family and friends. I have had a good year so far. I'm watching the LSU Alabama game.  We had a lot of rain here in Houston/Galveston area.

So far the best thing about the game is the Dish TV adds. Funny as hell!

Oh Thalia, you and your brother have our good thoughts and prayers.  Sorry Mary's relationship didn't work out.  I hope she finds happiness in her life.  It's never too late.  As Lynn and I know, working fewer hours creates extra time to fill.

oh, Thalia, what a big pile of crap you have around you.  sigh.  no wonder your weekend was bleak, in fact "bleak" sounds pretty mild for what it could have been!  i'm sad to hear about your brother's disease, i'll be holding you in my heart a little tighter than usual.  as for Mary, well, all i can think is there but for the grace of G-d go I....

sounds like it's time for Thallygal to find something that feeds her soul.  i don't know what that'll be for you, but if you're gonna' keep on taking care of all these folks' spirits, you need someone filling you back up.  you already know that, intellectually, but it kinda' sounds like you need a reminder to take good care of you....

I heard on the news over the weekend, Richard, that nationally, architects have one of the highest unemployment rates of all the professions -- something over 13%, thanks to the fact that nobody's building these days.  even higher than arts majors!  have you wrestled your insurance company into submission yet?

Morning Lynn, Robbie, Crystal, and whoever slips by today.  I saw read an article about the architecture related unemployment.  I was surprised the rate is so much higher than the unemployment rate of other fields.  As I said to someone last night, another reason I should have picked garbage collection as a career.  LOL

BOP POW BANG THUD!!!!  I have made good wrestling holds on the insurance company...... stay tuned!

I now have an appointment Thursday with Dr. Sawurbones!

yay!  i hope there are things to improve your knee/leg that don't actually involve saws or even scalpels....  at least, this is a first step to regaining mobility.  keep us posted!

I am here!  It's been a busy day starting with driving Sharon to work.  Then the furnace guy came for it's annual check-up.  All is good with the furnace so we know we are getting everything she's got.  I did a little drywalling (easy cutting and fitting 2 pieces) then left a little after noon to pick Sharon up from work and pick up our mail.  A little more drywalling, a short nap and watched a hour of television with Sharon.

I hope you all had a good hump day.   2 more get-ups before the weekend.  I am slighly excited about my appointment tomorrow.  I want to get this knee thing over with so I can move on.

i'm glad you are ABLE to drive and chauffeur your lady.  hope the doc has some good news for you on thursday!

today was back2back 90 minute teleconferences, ugh.  this weekend, i have a young friend (former coworker) and her teen daughters visiting.  hubby will remain at home with the elementary age son, fortunately.  this will be my first house guests that weren't children in nearly 2 decades, since i had no "guest space" in the condo, so i'm a little on edge, but it should go fine.  feeding people who eat "normal" food will be a new experience, too.  much has changed since the last time i had 'company.'

I am sure you will do fine in the food and entertainment departments.  Ugh!!! I'd have collapsed in a heap if I had two 90 minutes teleconferences in one day let alone back to back.

thanks for your vote of confidence.  i do still remember how to cook, and i checked to make sure what the girls will eat, so it oughta' go fine.  as for work, yeah, fried brains was the order of the day.  ugh is right.  but i got paid for both.




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