the soundtrack was great and the party turned into a Monster Mash.
Snagg didn't have a costume, he didn't need one, he is scary enough , Beth came in a striped prisoner
costume with a ball and chain, TeebubbaDee, Chez and D's girl came as....
...An amateur Mormon family (Did you know that, in Utah, non-LDSers refer to Mormon's beloved SUV's as "MAV's - "Mormon Assault Vehicles"? True Story.), and Bob came as Sam Elliott, and Ubu came as French absurdist playwright and `pataphysicist Alfred Jarry, and BethD came as the crazy cat lady up the street, and Westerly came as a weather vane, and...
dressed her little dog as a kernal of candy corn in a golden triangle with a little white beanie, and when Teebubb caught sight of "babe," as she is called, he....
invaded his pantry where he had freeze-dried meat stored on the lower shelves. The pets smiled happy, satisfied smiles, and then were startled by a glimpse of...