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We refugees are still holding on here.  Stop by the Lodge, come inside and warm up! Have a wassail cup or some eggnog with us, visit a while!

Tags: crossing, friends, gathering, holiday, lodge, moose, spirits

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glad you stopped by, Thalia, and that you have a "plan" for Christmas!

i have a bunch of reports to do, but i'm saving that for next week, when virtually nothing is going on.

another friend who lives up the side of a mountain somewhere outside of Denver told me she had 3 feet of snow, so i'm glad you made it in there at all!

sooo glad your daughter wasn't seriously hurt in the accident!  so scary.  she's lucky to have mom to fall back on....

I'm off to northern Virginia to meet up with assorted kids, then back home by saturday nite.  you refugees please try to behave while i'm gone....

Lynn? Behave? Me? That's asking an awful lot! (:>)

Have a great Christmas. Oh, and anybody else who stops by same to you.

Morning folks...glad to finally find a few minutes to catch up with you all before I head into the store for a few hours...which may turn into a few more hours. 

Christmas eve is here so no traveling until tomorrow..but I still have some presents to wrap and make sure I found them all from their hiding places.

Merry Christmas all..have a fabulous holiday!!

Merry Christmas to you, Crystal, and your family.  Travel safely, have fun, and make many happy memories.  Hope you found all your hiding places.  :)

it's Christmas Eve, and i'm back home again.  had a worrisome low tire (idiot light) but not dangerously low, i just couldn't seem to find a working air pump, so i drove on it.  if i have to replace it, i'll do that next week.  but the drive home was more tense than i would have preferred.

Richard, much to my amazement, the northern VA state liquor stores do now carry Black Strap Rum! i stocked up on Appleton and an extra bottle of Black Strap, too.

and...my son paid for dinner last nite!  yippee!  that's a first!  his g/f and he had discussed it, they thought i might get pissed.  yeah, right!  the sad thing is, that's just another $100 he'll put on my discovercard, at some point, but it was a touching gesture.  g/f is very easy to talk with, she gave me a bottle of Chopin potato vodka, and son gave me a flying fish, with a ballon set (helium tank!) to go with.  it's a clown fish (aka, Nemo) and is remote controlled!  i can't wait to put it together tomorrow and try it out!

had a decent hotel (from hotels.com) and both son and i slept well.  his g/f went off to her parents home in southern Maryland.  then he went off to buy tires at Costco (on mom's amex, sigh) and i went to visit daughter Teresa.  i had a 25% off coupon for Ruby Tuesday, so took them out to a late lunch.  i rarely get to eat out any more, don't enjoy that solitary, and they are on pretty restricted income, so it was a treat for all of us, and we had the cutest young man for a server!  and, i arranged to have xmas with the grandkids in 2 weeks, when little momma is done passing her kidney stone (we hope.)

i'm happy to be back in my nest, and to sleep in my own bed tonite.  this memory foam mattress, i'm learning, won't last as well as the lifetime warranted "Tempurpedic" but for now, it's the best pain reliever i've ever known and i miss it when i'm travelling!  it's just been about 2 months that i've had it, but it is WONDERFUL!!!!  and if i have to buy another one every 5 years, it'll be worth it -- i think the tempurpedics cost thousands....

I'll be here sometime on sunday, but if anybody gets here before i do, let me wish you all a very ...


Oh, Lynn low tires are a worrisome thing alright.  You are right there are hardly any provisions for pumping tires up like there used to be.  And probably impossible to find on a holiday weekend.

I am happy to hear you can buy black strap rum now.  Sharon used the last of mine to make me a drink tonight.  Then a few minutes later gave me a new bottle for Christmas.  What a sweetheart!

Tell me about robo Nemo, does it float around in the sir?  Will it swim in the bathtub?

Sharon and I have been thinking about a new mattress.  Our old one is over 15 years old and I wake up each morning to an aching back.  Once I get up and move around my back is back to "normal".  Ever since I started to go to a chiropractor my back gets tired in half the time.  LOL  A co-worker at the City also worked evenings and weekends in a furniture store.  She said the sleep number and tempurpedic beds are not worth the cost.

Glad you are home safe and sound!  Merry Christmas Lynn!

Merry Christmas to you and Sharon, Richard!  and to Crystal and Robbie if they show up, and maybe others, as well!

my flying fish won't swim in water.  once i get done checking in online, i'm gonna' set it up!  here's what it looks like Flying Nemo 

the brand name Tempurpedic mattresses are outrageously expensive, but at least some of them come with a lifetime guarantee, full replacement etc (according to son's girlfriend.)  the one i have was about $400 from Overstock.com and i ordered it on a "free shipping" special. it's a full size 14" and weighed about 70 pounds, so a queen 10" would weigh a bit less, and it was manageable by me.  they come in various depths -- i had to buy all new sheets 'cuz the standard fitted sheet won't stay on it, tho'.

i tipped the delivery guy big time, for carrying it into the house, for sure!  anyhow, that by way of saying that it does not have to be a bank-breaker, to try it out, and you wouldn't need a new box springs, they don't even SELL special box springs for them.  or for under $100, you can get the 3-4" mattress topper of same "memory foam" material, and for some folks, that's enough to make the difference.

Had a good Christmas. Staying with my Ex. Went out to eat with Youngest's girlfriend. 

then Oldest Son and Grandaughter came over to the Condo and we opened presents.

Today we had a laidback day with lots of eating and then went to the movies tonight.

Oh, Talked to the youngest, who is in Afghanistan,  for about an hour on Skype today. Ain't technology wonderful?

all in all a pretty good Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all.

glad you had a good Christmas, Robbie!

Hi Lynn. Crystal, Robbie and anyone stopping by.  We both are feeling pretty good all things considered.  Sharon arranged to go to her podiatrist in the morning by taxi.  We both are unsure what her mobility will be with the cast.  She'll try to get a pair of crutches for me while she is out.  I am good as long as I don't put weight on my knee.  Sounds like all three of you had a good Christmas.  :)

they didn't give you crutches in the ER??  bummer.  you're gonna' go see an orthopedic surgeon sometime soon, right?




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