TBD on Ning

Yeah, I heard about it on the news. A seven year old boy was executed by the 'Taliban' for colloberating with 'the enemy'. They hung him.

Now I'm as sick of this war as you are, and convince me, someone, that after all of these years, we have no idea where Osama Bin Laden is. Bullshit. His purpose was to drag us into 'this war', keep us there 'forever' until our economy was bled dry. Congratulations Big Guy. You won.

Now what? Do we just call it quits, let the CIA do it's thing (publicize that hanging, infiltrate small villages, only to have them burned down by the Taliban, pay the Big Dollars to dig up Their Man) (yes) or do we stay there until the last American is unemployed and living  on the pavement infront of what used to be their house?

(Thank you George Bush for Iraq. I sure am glad Saddam is no longer of TV making statements like 'The Mother of all Wars'.  And then there was that HORRID information minister...Too bad you forgot about Osamma....)

I think we need to bring 'The Boys' home. We have a war going on to the south of us which rivals Afghanistan. Beheadings are common, and no one is quite sure WHO runs THAT government: some figurehead or the drug lords. Hell, our borders are as pourous as cheesecloth (chime in Brothers and Sisters living on the Mexican Border..).And God knows we dont have enough troops to start another new nation building campaign.

If we are gonna be nation building, for godsake, lets do it to our South. At least, lets clog up the leaks with whatever resources Osamma hasn't sucked up.

The war ( in Afghanistan) is over. We lost. Lets stop spending good dollars on bad, killing our kids for a lost cause. Perhaps one day again in the future, but not now.

Who knows. Maybe we'll get lucky and find Osama  in a tunnel benieth the US-Mexican border.

Tags: Afghanistan, Bin, Laden, Mexico, Osamma, economy.

Views: 21

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On June 7th Afghanistan became the longest war in US history.
If Homeland Security was really what we were interested in, wouldn't it be in our best interests to have our military on home soil ....to do just that.... go figure?? The jobs that would be created feeding and housing them to name a couple and the money saved on the shipping of equipment would be collosal.....JMO
I think the original idea was to fight the war on foreign soli, so as to avoid disruption of daily living here in America. MS

Yeah, Dougie, that about sums it up doesnt it.
Bravo, Jacquin. While I'm not a fan of 'nation building' (governments evolve, they're not imposed), god knows that a little push in that 'evolution' would make the world a better place to live.

I think back to the days of Pol Pot in Cambodia. There were a few Khmer Rouge who actually had the best interest of the country in mind. They just f***** it up, really bad. Maybe there's a Taliban member or two in there too. But I think that Dougie, below, might have the fast and easy solution. Thanks for your reply! Jackie
What surprises me is how few people are actually interested in this topic. These foreign wars have bled our economy dry. We have big problems to the south of us. Sure the Taliban is a group of thugs, but we've got thugs closer to home. The news picked up on this one topic. How many children have been executed in Mexico? Dont know? Thats because we lack credible news sources. Whats going on in Iraq? Beats the hell out of me, but a puppy was saved in NYC. Whew, and it was close too! Dont you all have any opinions on the management of our armed forces, the state of our news sources and the future of our economy?
I'm interested Jackie.........I just don't know what to say about it anymore. A successful Taliban in Afghanistan puts them on the doorstep of Pakistan..... and their nuclear arsenal. Comforting thought, isn't it ? Hamid Karzai, the Afghani president has a brother that has virtually taken over the opium business in their country. Mexico is run by druglords......period. Corrupt, power and money hungry killers abound everywhere. And I haven't even touched on most gov't's yet. This is the world we live in today. I need a glass of wine :)
We MUST have a DRINK together!!!
As for the nuclear 'thing', I find it curious that 'Al Queda' does not have its hands on a nuclear weapon yet...or is it the centrifuge that they are lacking. I am sensing some 'Vietnam Drama', or other 'sinister' conspiracy theory. (Sinister because my brother was always up in arms about government conspiracies).
Kindly refer to my post on page one.....
No. Please re-iterate, darling. MS




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