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Molestation ?

How Often does it happen in family's ?

I imagine much is kept secret ....

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Between the Age of 6 to 10 years old , my uncle James , i guess molested me and other kids in the neighborhood . Showing the kids how to Masturbate . Never was i to do anything to him it was just touching . Don't know about the other friends he did it to . He would take us fishing at a near by pond . Before we moved to that location . At age 6 i experienced my first orgasm  by a girl that performed it on me . The feeling was intense . Nothing come out but it sure felt good . Never happened again till i got married .

Did it cause me harm of my Uncle doing it . Maybe so since i can't for get what happened .

I prosecuted crimes against children exclusively for 5 years in Georgia, and along with a variety of other offenses the entirety of my career.  I have had cases where the grandmother, mother, and children were all victims of molestation (by different people), and where multiple children and grandchildren were molested by their grandfathers, or fathers or uncles.  I've had cases where foster parents were molesting the children put in their care by the State.  I've had jurors break down during voir dire and say they couldn't be on the jury because they had been molested and that they had never, ever told anyone before they were put in the jury panel.  It's far more pervasive than the average American knows or would like to believe, and men AND women are the perpetrators, not just men, and boys and girls are victimized.

I often say that most women in America have suffered some form of molestation in their lives, some more severe than others, but most of us.

Is there a Time Limit for Prosecution ? My uncle passed away in early 1980 . He never married as far as i know . Maybe he was Gay . One of my Aunts saw him out next to the highway whacking off two dogs . Don't know what he would get out of that . Sorry for TMI ...

Well, if he passed away, it's a moot issue. There is a statute of limitations but it varies from state to state and is also dependent upon what the person is charged with.

My cousin who I've only talked with on the phone told me our uncle molested her, they both lived about 300 miles away from us. I believe her, another aunt thinks that same brother of hers was forcing two younger sisters when they were siblings. I didn't get to know this side of the family and I'm sort of happy about that.

Back when my youngest daughter was in 11 th grade . She drove My aunts husband to store . One the way back he grabbed her Breast . My other aunt called social services after she told her . They called me and we decided to let it go . It was what my daughter wanted . Just forget it .. I dought if she did .

i think its more common than most people think .. i also think its more common for brothers and sisters if they're close to the same age too .. i'm not so sure i'd call that abuse tho unless one sibling forces the other .. don't misunderstand me here tho .. i'm not sayin its ok .. i'm sayin its a matter of curiosity more than anything else and if they're kids of 10,11,12, what do they really know ?? so to try to put a guilt trip on em 10 or 15 years later is probably the wrong thing to do .. now if its the uncle who is 19 and the niece is 12 thats different .. that would be abuse .. but two cousins who are 10 and 11 playin show me yours and i'll show you mine ?? well thats a fine line there .. of course i'd have to leave that to mickey to answer tho .. she's the expert here .. i just don't see whats gained by prosecutin kids .. 

Guess when he ran out of kids he went to the dogs so to speak .

 Me and my youngest Aunt about the same age messed around a lot till my Grandma got a hold of me with the hickory stick . That ended my wonton ways ....

Donald, Donald, Donald.....

Wayne, you live in one of the strangest places in America, obviously.  I think you all have too much time on your hands with those laid back country ways.  You need some A type personalities down there to offset the idle hands are the Devil's workshop folks.

I remember when talk shows started broaching the subject of molestation and my Mom was so concerned with us, her daughters, that we hade been molested and didn't share with her and she was beside herself with guilt that she may not have protected her girls. An expert in this field said that it was a high probabilty that all women were molested as  children, that's how prevelent it was....and even if they swore they hadn't been they were probably repressing the memories. For years she kept checking in with us. She finally let it go.

I have many women friends who have shared stories with me that just made my blood boil...that in some families it's such a matter of fact way of life. For me it would be a killing offense if I discovered anyone abused one of my family....the betrayal of trust , to use that kind of power over a child....




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