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Here we are, can you believe it's April already?  serious signs of spring are plentiful, even tho' the weather goddess can't seem to make up her mind.

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Tags: chatting, friends, spring

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i wouldn't have thunk you to be a hockey fan, but hey, enjoy! can you watch tv and do that work at the same time. or is that simply out of the question?  i've no clue....  but sounds like you might have had a good day, anyhow!

i logged a couple hours work, then headed to the pool.  no more of that 8 hr/day crap for me, just not that much to do!  wouldn't mind the money, but can't see ripping them off....

Hi Lynn, baseball and football move too slow for me.  Hockey keeps my attention.  I can't watch anything and focus on when I am working.  I do listen to music most of the time though.  When working I have to keep in mind that what I do or don't do will be echoed in several drawing sheets.  It gets pretty complex right from the get-go.  I am hoping that I can re-use much of my phase 1 work in phase 2.

i guess i'm excited about my friend's arrival tomorrow nite.  have already made the black bean chili that will be one of our meals, as well as some Texas Caviar -- both those things taste better when the flavors have had a day to meld.  tomorrow, i'll do the obligatory cleaning, and then just pace until she arrives, probably 10 pm-ish....

not much else going on.  planning to write one set of minutes before i head to the pool, but first, there's lunch!

Ahhhh house guest... Yay!!  We are doing the same.  A couple Sharon used to work with are coming from Seattle tomorrow to browse Powell's bookstore then the art museum.  We are meeting them at the museum to minimize our walking experience.  Dinner out and Sunday breakfast then they will head back home.

Afternoon folks...finally getting a chance to sit down. We are heading out to supper tonight with the internationally know soprano who is singing tomorrow. Calder is so lucky to get to sing with someone like that. I am getting excited to hear the concert. 

Have fun with your guest Lynn and enjoy the games Richard.


Richard, i know your guests will enjoy their stay with you guys!  and the doggies will eat them up, huh?  but wise of both of you not to       overdo the tourist walkabout thing with them!

RRC, i'm totally unclear about your dinner guest tonite, but that's not something i'm knowledgeable about, so i'll just say that i'm happy Calder has another good opportunity!  he's got talent, and it seems that he's making his own way in the world, which is a wonderful thing!

I guess I wasn't too clear was I Lynn. Tomorrow is the Gala concert celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Russell County Area Community Foundation. The director worked for a number of years in the DC/Virginia area and is friends with a internationally known soprano who is an professor at Shenandoah University. She waved her performance fees and is here to sing at the concert along with Calder and another young man who is a RHS grad. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet someone with connections as well as offer the treat to the community of a FREE concert.  

wow!  i suppose if that were something i followed, i might have known about Shenandoah University, but i'm pretty ignorant about vocal music unless it's country, LOL!  and i'm guessing "internationally known soprano" is not known for her country style, ha!   thanks for the further explanation. I'm sure tonite's concert will be wonderful, and another opportunity for Calder to give back to his hometown, too!

good morning my friends. Good to catch up on all of the news. Am sitting on my deck with iPad we just got up and running Think it is going to b fun. Have to get used to the typing page though. Beautiful day in Co. One more Monday to work. Whoop Have been taking my brother for palative radiation. He has two more treatments. Is just to keep him comfortable. Five more days then off to S.F. The bitter and the sweet. Isn't that what life is like have lots to do before we leave. So had better get moving. Have a fabulous day filled with love and laughter!!!

good morning, Thalia!  looks like you did ok with the typing, but yeah, it's not designed for 10-finger typists, more for the 1-2 finger variety, don't you think?  at least from what i've seen....

is this trip to S.F. to visit your girlfriend who's ill, or just for fun?  i often think of her, i wanna' say her name is Star, wonder how she's holding up.  and your brother getting radiation, i can only hope that it does in fact help him feel better and not worse.  everyone reacts differently to that.  the end of life is sad but still, in some ways far more presious than all those days that just slipped thru our grasp and we didn't do anything special with them, huh?

one more Monday, only one more Monday to work for the rest of your life!  yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  and soon enough, you'll let another workday slip away, i bet....

I am going to SF with Steve, for six glorious days

My friend Star is hanging in there and imagine I will go visit her in September, as I always do, except for last year, went early remember, because she didn't think that she was going to live through the summer and well here she is still kicking,

yes the end of life is precious....I did my internship at a place called Qualife which was a beautiful support home for people with life challenging illnesses and their families...

I worked with one women from the diagnosis of her cancer to her death...wrote my masters paper revolving around her, was called, Facing Death, and Inspiration for Living Life...was a powerful year in my life, for sure..

well am going to rest up then try to get something done at home...haven't been around much to do anything :-)


all right!  your San Fran trip is for fun with your man -- i hope you have a wonderful time!!!!!!!  maybe even better than i imagine for you!

glad Star is still coping, she must be a strong woman!  hope you get to see her this summer again!

and hey, not being home and not getting those "chores" done seems like a very good thing!




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