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What is a dream that has stuck with you for a very very long time?

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For flipper!?

I slit the sheet

the sheet I slit

and on the slitted sheet I sit.

DD......when I was in San Antonio, touring the Alamo.....I became seriously ill whenever in the old part of the building....the inner walls and the main chapel. The only part I didn't feel sick in was the new building they built to be a gift shop. As soon as I would leave the building.....I would feel just fine after only about ten minutes. I am a history geek, so it was extremely annoying that I couldn't stay in the chapel long enough to see everything I wanted to see and read all the letters and documents. I was literally ready to faint and was broken out in a cold sweat. I have no explanation for this occurrence. Wanna give me your insights?

 Karin I have questions..laughing..I Always have questions.

bUT MY KEY BOARD IS SCREWED UP...whoh ..cAPS AND ITALIC HAHAHAHA                                             sO  ABUOT THE Alamo MAKING YUO SIC. I WIL JUST LEAVE YUO A RIDDLE TO think abuot (or not )       What is a fossil but the past entoumbed in the present?                                                                                                                                 

No idea, DD.....with the only clue being that both the Florida and the Indiana locations include water and beaches. The Wisconsin dream has me leaving Milwaukee, where I grew up, by way of a two-lane road that leaves out of the west side of town. To the best of my knowledge, there is no road like the one in my dreams.....and if there were....I've never been on it. Every time we went north in Wisconsin, we always took I-94. There is a small, cozy motel in that dream where we always stay. Maybe it's more about the welcoming accommodations in these locations.....kinda like coming home......wherever that is. I don't have anything or any place that I think of as "home".... So maybe Freud would say I desired someplace I could call home. What do you think?

Wel, first I honor your interpatatoin of your dreems as the most likely accurate. 

Secondly I think that because your dreems have such clarity and you have them repeatedly it is possible that you have unknown but not negative or frightening unfinished business in those locations. I think that it is possible that the 2 lane westbound road that you leave Milwauakee on and find the cozy motel mite indicate difficulty then sucess finding your way uot of Milwaukee followed by a fleeting positive experiences.

I cant help but wonder if you are sad abuot not having anything or place that you identify as Home.  More aceptance of rootlessness rather than happy nomad.

Please bare in mind that Everything that I think in this area mite wel be horse shit..but you asked.

As for Freud I agree with many contempory phychologists that much of his research reflected his own mental illness Includeing long lerm cocaine addiction . His belief that dreams should be interpreted threw the single lens of sexual urges is highly suspect IMO. Jung gets my vote on dream interpitatoin.

Luvy....My father survived a surgery to remove his right kidney, due to cancer. He was out of the hospital in 5 days.....with road maps drawn on his body for radiation treatments. His spirits were good, and he was looking forward to getting on with his life. After three radiation treatments, his colon was punctured, and he was rushed into surgery. The team of doctors (who had done a wonderful job on my husband two years previous) told me after the surgery that he was doing well, and they had cleaned him out well. A few days of very strong antibiotics should do the trick. He never rallied. He was quiet, withdrawn, and distracted when we were there. He smiled and nodded, but he was listening to voices other than ours. He visited my mother, who was on the floor above, very briefly, and then seemed very much at peace. He told me he loved me, and told my husband to take care of me......and died that night. I truly believe he knew his time had come, and was listening to....or maybe seeing.....someone or something not in that hospital room.

Yeah, I wish I could quit having the dream where my sister's screaming at me, just like she does in real life.  But I suspect I'll have that all my life.  And since my Mom died last year, I have dreams where I can hear her sobbing & calling for me to come help her but I can't find her.  You know, I frickin hate dreams actually.

Me, too!  I almost never have happy dreams.....they are always at the most ....sad.....and the least....frustrating.  I wake up very unnerved. 

Yeah, it *is* unnerving, isn't it?  Even tho it's not real, I hate waking up after 1 of those.  And I too have had very few happy dreams; I hear other people talk about all these dreams that give them hope, inspiration, etc.; can't imagine what that'd be like.  Oh well.

I got one for ya..july 1969,we drove to Niagara Falls,and the water was shut off.yep,i have no plans to go back.

the alamo is still open ...it isn't a federal site




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