TBD on Ning

TeeBubbaDee is going into the hospital tomorrow for surgery & could be there awhile...
I just want you to know, TeeBub, that you have lots of friendship & love & support here, & an abundance of people that will be pulling for your success & recovery. You're awesome.

Tags: TeeBubbaDee

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DD, WHERE have you been?? We'll have to find the threads that have his before & after photos.
Suzan, If you dare to look...I went back through my discussions, and the before/after pics are on page 8 of this thread.
Yes Sweetie, I chopped off the pony tail. I figured it would be too hard to try to keep it clean while in the hospital. I am donating it to Locks Of Love, an organaziation that makes wigs for kids that have hair loose due to medical conditions.
Good for you, Buddy.
It's so good to hear that you're doing well and entertaining visiting royalty with verve and panache!

And you really do a good job of transforming those interesting bits of wood into art - what a talented puppy you are! I had no idea, you are so modest.

I forgot to put the pic on the other day.... Doesn't TBub look wonderful....Such a great guy!!!! Are you blushing yet??? LOL

This one's for DD!!!! See, he really did cut his hair... I told him he looks 10 years younger!!! What a cutie!!! He's standing next to his work of art... What talent...We'll miss him when he goes back to Florida, but Dee will be the big winner!!!

Little Update. Saw the surgeon today for my 2 week follow up. He said I look great. (his words, not mine) But he said the key to my sucess is to lose some weight. I'm down to 230, but am still carrying some excess fluid. Not too bad considering I went into the hospital at about 232/234, and came out of the hospital at 252. I'm not allowed to exercise, so I guess I gotta get off my butt and do some walking.
TBub, have a very safe flight back to Florida and your loving Dee!!! We'll miss you.... Muah!!!




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