TBD on Ning

Don't ya just hate it when you drag somethin' home from the beach....

.......and later wonder "what the heck was I thinkin'"?



Attachment 1 is a cool looking stone I photographed at a Lake Michigan beach yesterday.


Attachment 2 is a picture of the same stone at my house a few minutes later.  Cool looking?  No, not so much.


I think I'll return it to the wild where it can thrive.



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Replies to This Discussion

You just need to get it wet and put it in a box of sand.
....kinda like keeping a pet turtle?
You captured it, you took away from it's environment, it's home. It is now sad and lonely.......take it back to the wild or I'm calling authorities.....
Maybe it just needs a companion stone?
Don't ya just hate it when you drag somethin' home from the beach....
.......and later wonder "what the heck was I thinkin'"?

One was named Joe, the other Steve...
Oh yeah, they were a couple of those guys on "Jersey Shore", weren't they?
That show has done a diservice to the Jersey shore...
They've actually started a"'movement" to portray the Shore in a more positive light because of that show!
I would say 95% of the beach towns are really lovely places.

Here's where I go...

I love those Guidettes! I wish we had some in Michigan.
I'll send you some...
Stir: "Don't ya just hate it when you drag somethin' home from the beach....
.......and later wonder "what the heck was I thinkin'"?"

One was named Joe, the other Steve..."


I love you, Quinny.

(Mine was Andy '-)
It's still nice, just a different kind of nice. You should put it in a little mini zen rock garden.




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