TBD on Ning

It's been called to my attention in recent days just how not mainstream I seem to be. I think that might be common among many of us here, on tbd. I think tbd draws people who are many things.... bright, passionate, daring, engaging.... and often some of these traits don't 'go w/the flow.'

I have a quote by Nietzsche on my Profile Page that is a favorite thought of mine...

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

How do you find yourself off the beaten path? How do you dance to a tune that others do not hear? How are you thought to be insane (or offbeat) by others?

Tags: Nietzsche, black_sheep, off_the_beaten_path, the_road_less_traveled

Views: 29

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I've been in regular contact w/someone lately whom I find is incongruent b/t what she says and what her actions &/or motives are. I find it difficult, sometimes impossible, to engage w/her in regular conversation, and at times I just do not respond to what she says, b/c to do so would either mean compromising my integrity, which I will not, or responding in a way which would call her out as a liar, which I have no desire to do. It is reminding me that my candor, my frank, honest approach, is too much for some. For me, these traits are part of having honor & integrity, and I decided a long time ago (back in the early 90's, actually, after seeing that d@mned Maya Angelou in a thought provoking interview) that I would risk popularity to maintain my principles. And the truth is, I have lost popularity b/c of it, many times. But that's okay. I'd rather be principled than popular. And I hope I'm not coming off as arrogant or self-righteous here; that's not what this is about. It's just about my awareness lately, a reminder, that my "say what you mean & mean what you say" approach doesn't always fit into the mainstream.
Sometimes the mainstream gets a little crowded.......kinda hard to navigate.
I'm w/you, Bob - and also, I think it can get pretty boring on that big mainstream highway; I'm never bored! hahaha '-)
D, I agree with Wendy. The reason I love you both and consider you to be my sisters from another mother is because of your courage to NOT walk the beaten path.

It is those who have dared to be different, who chose the path not taken, who spoke when others let fear silence them....it is those who have made a difference in the lives of others.

You my dear, have made a difference in mine.
MellyMel! Darling! Hello!!! ((((((((great big hug!)))))))))

Okay, I think this thread may be stuck in one of those "doesn't translate properly in text" ditches. I'm not upset at all; no one's giving me a hard time & there's nothing going on w/tbd or tbd'ers at all! hahaha!! oh, brother. (although I'm certainly glad it drew our Melly out! '-)
The 'not being popular sometimes' reference is a general thing that I've lived w/for a couple decades now, and I don't mind it, it just comes w/the territory when we're principled.

My mind was actually in a place of celebrating not being part of that crowded mainstream, as her cowboy put it, when I started this thread. I LIKE that I dance to music that others don't hear. And that was kind of my point.... that I think many of the glorious folks who hang out here are the ones dancing - not the ones who don't hear the music.

I'll try to come up w/a better example. ;-p
I dance to the beat of a different drummer, or so I'm told.

I'm happy being me.......there's a few others whom I make uncomfortable sometimes, I guess.

I'm not weighed down by very much baggage....I travel pretty light.
shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost
I first read this in high school and even then I thought he was writing about me.
Yes, me, too. That certainly came to mind as I was pondering this topic, PA. The longer I've been on the unbeaten path, the more I love it & know I belong here.

And, of course, the crazier side of me does love getting a rise out of people. Like at the fitness studio where I work out. I do the 'gentler' classes, so instead of being w/ppl in the spinning & high energy classes that may be more "like me," I'm w/a group that, at the risk of stereotyping, is more senior, and w/a handful of.... 'church lady' stereotypes. Well, I'm a sexual creature, and pretty darned open (shut up, Melly, don't start! '-) So I do get a kick out of surprising them w/just what might come out of my mouth in conversation or during workouts. hehehe '-)
Should I play some of my off the beaten path music?

I find myself leaning towards those who are out of the norm. I consider myself, personality wise, normal. It's my thoughts that are back in the wooded areas.
Sanity or the lack thereof, doesn't necessarily dictate the road you're on, it opens freeways to what your wired to do. The rest I believe is already written, we're just actors in a big play . Hopefully I can remember my lines, cause I damn sure don't now if right is left, or vice versa.
Yes I do...contrary to the standards I was raised in. My father was a career military man. We kids (6) routinely got the lecture about how we presented ourselves reflected on his status. So I had structure...lots of it aside from being the 5th child....my older sibs intimidated the hell out me.
Fast forward to the late 60's....Whammo!!! I knew that there was something about me that set me out from the "norm" in HS. I was a bit more worldly than them....and I wasn't afraid to take a stance on pertinent issues. There is still a great part of that youthful exuberance that still exists in me to this day.
My life history so far probably isn't that out of the normal when compared to some but I know that I have made decisions in my past and probably each and everyday now that lean a bit off the beaten path.
I don't know what 'ordinary' means....too vague to define. I do know that I am a unique individual who can never be replicated. I will leave my mark....they might not remember my name but there will be the utterance...."what's her name.....she was something...."
yep, you're my kinda gal, Jaylee. '-)




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