TBD on Ning

Tags: Michael, Savage, birther

Views: 16

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I see a person who wants to be the one to "light the fuse." His mission is to keep us at each others throats, not unlike Limbaugh and Beck. You have to deal with things the way they are, not how you'd like them to be. Knowledge is power. It is for that reason that I posted this little gem.
One of the more curious things about Savage is that, occasionally, he gets foisted on his own petards. For example, he had himself water boarded to prove that it WASN'T torture...and lasted less than two minutes...declaring that, indeed, it WAS torture.

Like oxyRusty and O'Lielly and Beck the Brick, he's easily dismissed as just another wind bag.
I always wonder if people like Savage actually believe what they say or do they say it because it makes them tons of money.
I guess as long as there is a group to gullable people out there they will be around.




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