TBD on Ning

I saw a GOOP strategist on the tube yesterday (they were a bit hard to miss) saying that the 2010 Mantra of all GOOP players running for Congresscritter will be to rescind the the just passed material and "start over" from scratch.

1)  Why did they not do so for the first 8 years of this decade?
2)  How well do you think this will play to the electorate?

The GOOP is rubbing its collective hands together, salivating over the upcoming mid-terms.  I just wonder how well THE PARTY OF NO!!! is going to play in November, now that the President has all this time to concentrate on Jobs...

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Truly, we'll see what happens in November. I thought it was premature last spring to write off the GOP, and I think it's premature yet to call the elections in Novmember. In a 24/7 internet news cycle, we've lost sight of the fact that sometimes things take time, and that we need to become adept at long term planning rather than living and dying by day to day happenings and the polls.
I think if it can be made perfectly clear to constituents that the changes are good then it might influence them in November.

Send out letters to parents with kids over the age of 19, actively get them back on their parents' insurance if the parents want it. Send out letters to medical and nursing students encouraging them to get the grants that were passed in this bill. And do all of it loudly, as the Reps do. THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE NOW THAT THE BILL PASSED. Make it impossible to ignore the positive things that come from this bill passing.

I know parents of children in their late teens and early twenties won't want the bill rescinded if our children will lose their insurance. We have to take a play from their playbook and make a very loud presence of what we have immediately because of the bill. People vote for their own interests.
if this bill is so wonderful why all the bribes, arm twisting, and whatever backroom deals were performed. Why not make individual changes such as the no pre-existing stopgap. No change is wrong and forcing gigantic multi-changes down the people's throat is wrong. Too bad we can't ban both major parties. We need to go back to the American roots and hear the people instead of the egotistical brats that make promises or lies but line their pockets with our money.
I came across this in the paper this morning, very well written conservative piece well worth the time.

March 21st, 2010 at 4:59 pm by David Frum

Conservatives and Republicans today suffered their most crushing legislative defeat since the 1960s.

It’s hard to exaggerate the magnitude of the disaster. Conservatives may cheer themselves that they’ll compensate for today’s expected vote with a big win in the November 2010 elections. But:

(1) It’s a good bet that conservatives are over-optimistic about November – by then the economy will have improved and the immediate goodies in the healthcare bill will be reaching key voting blocs.

(2) So what? Legislative majorities come and go. This healthcare bill is forever. A win in November is very poor compensation for this debacle now.

I saw David Frum on TV talking about this opinion. Makes sense to me.
I can only say I'd hate like hell to be a GOOP running on the ticket of REPEAL. Suddenly, you're going to tell people you're going to TAKE AWAY something they WANT....like no pre-existing conditions...like carrying your kids...

Gee...now THERE'S a winning formula. I really do hope the GOOP uses that tactic in November.
It's amazing how fast they (republicans) have found parts of the health care bill that is good and they just want to now fix the other things, like the republicans wanting to increase medicare spending. Is it just me or isn't this what they (repubs) called a major flip flop. The party of no becomes the party of spend. All it took was one poll that shows people favor the bill 49% to 40% http://www.gallup.com/poll/126929/Slim-Margin-Americans-Support-Hea...




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