TBD on Ning

Movie recommendations please! Picks and pans! What's a good date movie!?! Just with the girls movie? Do we still love Bond - and who is your favourite? Who is the yummiest man on screen - yesterday and today? Anyone here in love with SciFi? Fantasy? Film Noir? Foreign flicks?
My adored actress of yore is Audrey Hepburn. My favourite contemporary actress is Emma Thompson (she can portray my life anytime she pleases)!
Who is your favourite actress of yesterday - and today . . . who would you want to portray YOU!?! ( Pssst . . . Suuse has first dibs on Susan Sarandon - I have a good memory /,-D eh Suuse?!?)

Tags: actors, fun, movies, popcorn, recommendations, reviews

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"Last Chance Harvey" is magical! TSD a.k.a. Douglas (my beau) loved it too.
Emma Thompson and Dustin Hoffman discovered long ago that they had an on screen chemistry and hoped one day to take advantage of this magic. So it came to pass under the delicate direction of Joel Hopkins. "Harvey" . . . who is not exactly having the best time of it - arrives in London for his estranged daughters wedding, and blunders about quite pitifully. As we all do from time to time. "Kate" in the mean time, is not having a grand time either. Her mother is needy in the extreme - and just a tad too paranoid about the new neighbor. Then Kate's friend tries to fix her up . . . and there are tears my dear.

Kate's phone keeps ringing - for all the wrong reasons, and Harvey misses his flight back to New York, and is fired. At Heathrow Airport these two rather discordant souls rub up against one another. And the rest . . . well I recommend that you watch it and see for yourself!
My rating - FIVE STARS.
I saw this on a plane...and still enjoyed it! :D
Many of you have seen Avatar and I have yet to go - reviews please!
"Ferngully" with a budget.

That said, I did have a good time. Jim Cameron is a huge romantic and he loves strong women--made for a pleasant enough Saturday morning!

Speaking of directors who love women: Joss Wheedon--Buffy, Firefly, Dollhouse.
Meryl Streep is my fav....she can play anything! Go see her and Alec Baldwin in "It's Complicated". It's a lovely, funny, heartwarming movie about a divorced couple that have a steamy, sexy affair. Both Streep and Baldwin are outstanding in it!
I saw Avatar out of curiousity after hearing all the hubbub about it. It was much better than I expected....really good and interesting special effects.
My favorite actresses of past were Kathryn Hepburn, Susan Hayward, and Shirley Maclaine. And I have to admit, I've developed a pretty serious fantasy crush on Hugh Jackman. growwwr.

Ditto. In spades MzJean . . .Oops , do we have similar taste in men?!? Oh my ! /;-D

P.S. Just lettin' ya know - I can take 'em bald. Too. But I'm a tad older than you tee hee ;)
Oh, c'mon--admit away! Hugh Jackman is the quintessence of hunka-munka. And he's NICE!

and speaking of bald .................. oh my oh my.

He can swing any way he wishes, as long as it is with me !
I could speak with him for hours ...........
And then there is my TSD . . . bald by design - it suits him!
And may I just say how lovely it was to have friends working on the Paramount lot for a few years? ;)
Very. ;)

The thing of it is that, since I got my Equity card at the age of 15, I have been gainfully employed in the entertainment industry. I moved to NYC as soon as the parentals were used to the idea of their daughter living alone in a bankrupt, Koch-lead (ff: dirty, crime-and-rodent-infested) NYC...where I made the acquaintance of the likes of Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Hurt, Tony Shalhoub, Kathy Bates, Brent Spiner, Mandy Patinkin, Cindy Nixon, Matthew Broderick (the list goes ON...) when they were still working Off (and Off-Off) Broadway.

I was kidnapped and forced into music industry servitude, but I never completely stopped doing theatre. I probably never will.

Meanwhile, my classmates got advanced degrees (I settled for a Bachelor of Science), married, took respectable jobs that offered things like job security, benefits, vacation pay. They got married, bought homes, raised families...while I lived in a studio apartment in Manhattan and worked with a passle of talented, and sometimes fascinating, people. I watched AIDS gut my rolodex in the '80s. But time waits for no woman and eventually I picked up a camera. And a few weeks ago, I decided I needed to do a show. No one famous (to you) in the cast, but I'm having a wonderful time, and the work is good.

So, yes: lucky. Very.




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