TBD on Ning

`A Kiss is Just a Kiss, A Sigh is Just a Sigh - As Time Goes By'

With thanks to TBD member Thee Slayer Dug for contributing this `blast from the past' picture!

Remember `KIZZ'?

And since New Year's Eve 2010 is just around the corner,
I was thinking it would be fun to take a look at some memorable midnight kisses!

You know, those kisses that made the earth move,
while sky rockets exploded in mid-air....so they say in the movies.

While we can start with some NYE kisses, we can also have
all different types of kisses - for different moods or occassions,
So let's have some fun! (Please add yours too!)

Tags: Anniversary, Annual, Celebration, Lovers, Rememberance, Romance

Views: 353

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Marilyn Monroe

Oh, what a kiss, look out fellers!
Thank you Karen, it's just that I'm a hopeless romantic from way back,
and to make it even more so, I just bought one of `Pinks' new DVD called
`Funhouse Tour', which is when she was down here in Australia,
it's incredible to watch, and my favorite song she does is.....your guessed it,
`CRAZY` - that's what I'll have on at midnight !!!
Sigh. After my TSD's posts of WTMI- I'm so embarrassed . . . my only choice is to include a kiss picture today that will embarrass HIM!!!

Tee hee . . . later ... xoxo

Humid seal of soft affections,
Tend'rest pledge of future bliss,
Dearest tie of young connections,
Love's first snow-drop, virgin kiss.
Speaking silence, dumb confession,
Passion's birth, and infants' play,
Dove-like fondness, chaste concession,
Glowing dawn of brighter day.
Sorrowing joy, adieu's last action,
Ling'ring lips, -- no more to join!
What words can ever speak affection
Thrilling and sincere as thine!

Robert Burns

The eyes say it all don't they,
and every time I see pictures of different critters getting on together,
it reminds me more and more of some scenes from a beautiful book called `The Bible',
where it is written that all the animals will co-exist in perfect harmony with us humans,
I hope that time is coming closer for us all, good to hear from you Marciel,
and Happy New Year 2010!



Ahhh, If only!
All things are possible, thanks funesthememorius




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