TBD on Ning

We know the entertainment industry is about image, we see it on the "entertainment news programs".
American industry is all about image also. 3 of my old trucking buddies called me today, they got the axe. No apparent rhyme nor reason to how they were picked, they were all told that it was about the numbers. 2 others got the axe that I know of, maybe more. All 5 were top earners and had more seniority than others who are still working (no union). 6 or 7 years ago our company started a bonus program where top earners received paid days off for the coming year and also received monetary bonus each month for doing their job the way it should be done.

I couldn't believe it when they started this incentive program. My incentive program would have been "do your job the way it should be done or you're gone". Anyway, now the company is biting the top earners in the ass. The monetary bonus we earned every month is paid in one lump sum at Christmas. There's only one stipulation to receiving your perks. You must be a "currently active employee". Yep, you got it.

Since the owners of the company have made their money and have lost interest, they hired a "top notch" management team. ROFLMAO

Money earned or saved for a company by loyal employees who take care of their equipment, take care of their cement customers and do their job the right way, does not show up on a P&L statement. However, money saved by axing high dollar drivers jumps off a P&L sheet. It makes management look good.

American industry is all about image!

I love my fellow citizens and every single member of our armed forces. However, more and more I'm becoming an embarrassed American

To hell with what's right. Let's just look good!

Tags: phony-BS

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Some companies don’t care about their employees.
Most companies today worry about the next quarter's earning and not the long term best interest of the company or the employees. Increasing stock value and pleasing the board of directors is all that matters.
Exactly pickle. Everything is about the "NOW"
Not a single one of us is indispensable...It's business...not personal. I know this to be true.
That's exactly what I told my one buddy today Jaylee. He's only 42, my other 2 buddies are like me, they turned 62 this year. The 42 year old and I talked for 45 minutes, he was really upset and probably the most conscientious driver we had. He didn't understand how he was singled out and I did my best to assure him that it was nothing personal. Plus he was told by the company that it was all about the numbers.

The bottom line here is that they got rid of the wrong people. People who took care of the customers, people who would stick around after unloading and switch pipes and hoses around so the batch man at the concrete batch plant didn't have to come downstairs to do it. His customers were waiting on his mixer trucks so their contractors could get the concrete poured. They got rid of people who knew the business and knew how to keep customers. Like I said, those numbers don't show up on a P&L sheet, nor does the bottom line reflect this loyalty and dedication. Keep the low paid drivers and let your competition have your customers. Good business sense. lol
Wendy, We are now in an area where I have some experience. It is about the bottom line. But "The Bottom Line, NOW"!! Especially in any kind of contracting business. In todays business environment it is "show me the money now". Plan for the future? Piffft, If you don't make more money this quarter than you did last, you are history. In my company your rank depended on not only how much money you were bringing in today but how much more it was than last quarter. Of course you were also supposed to have bids in that would produce in the next quarter, but there was no way to prove that those contracts would materialize. The board was always after us to get rid of our highest paid people. One reason our companies are in such lousy shape is that there is NO LONG RANGE PLANNING.
It's crazy Robbie. Thanks for the enlightenment.
My ladies working for me are getting nervous also. They know their kids will have to go the work elsewhere that happens each year. This year their kids will be leaving them earlier. This year many more of them may be getting early retirement job at fast food burger joints. The grass and rain did not come often this spring and summer. Much of the hay, which is only 25% of normal production this year, was fed this summer instead of this winter. Food to carry through the winter is not there. Most of the ladies are not in good health due poor grass this year. Much of their land was plowed and planted in high cost winter grasses as last-ditch effort to avoid purchasing feed and hay this winter. More winter pasture was planted this year than in the 140-year history of the farm.
Each year I must choose which ladies I feel will make it through the winter. This will be the hardest since the Oprah/drought year in which half of the ladies where given early retirement. This year I must decide not only how many will make through the winter, but how many can my other job afford to feed.

Two of my hardest working ladies.
(((hugs))))...to the ladies....and thanks. ((((hugs)))) to you too Aggie....
That's a fascinating business you're in Aggie. You and those like you have my deepest admiration. I wish you the very best conditions for your ladies.
Having done the management thing and dodged many layoffs, the things the company will look at:
do we need immediate relief, fire the old guys or do we plan for the future and lose the new guys.

There are good reasons for both actions depending on what the managemnt hopes to achieve.

Both suck for someone.




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