TBD on Ning

i SAW A BUMPER STICKER TODAY, IT SAID--STATE YOUR PROBLEM, I CAN HANDLE IT, I RAISED (5 )CHILDREN. I chuckled all the way to the office because the lady I was relieving has 5 children. She can do anything from cook the best dinner to fix a picket fence. I know in your hiring process here, we have found that ladies that have had children, can handle stress better. Answer the phone, wait on a customer, and hear a screaming child all at the same time. What is your take on this???

Tags: children, family, problems, stress

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Our best agent had 2 kids, she was out of the office way too much taking them to the doctor all the time. She was the kind that rushed the kid to the doctor or ER every time they sneezed.
I worked with a girl and the city came by and said they need floats for the coming parade.
To my shock she volunteered.
Her and four other girls built a float from the ground up.
The dang thing won first place and it was beautiful.
Good company PR also.
Children are our future and they need our undivided love and attention.




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