TBD on Ning

So many of our members are going through interviews, job hunting, preparing CVs and Résumés - worrying and wondering what they will be asked, how to dress, what to say. Here is a safe place where we can talk about how well - or NOT - the interview went, what is current NOW during the process, new updates on keeping current and hip with your résumé - all about getting that job! Let's help one another succeed! For example - has anyone been subject to the S.T.A.R. question? No? You more than likely will be! Did you know that sending your résumé/cv in word is passe? It should be in PDF format?

I will be posting some great links and tips here, please feel free to do the same. Let's ACE IT!

Tags: CV, Dressing_for_Success, Interview_techniques, Résumé, job_hunting, work

Views: 22

Replies to This Discussion

Oh Tammy I AM THRILLED!!! Good on ya darling!

To everyone who has a resume they would like to have proofread. I am great at proofreading. Proof of that: In DZGDiana's post above, 'hip with you resume' should be 'hip with YOUR resume' and, to be PC, in my post below I WORE (not word) a casual linen suit.(!)

So if you would like someone to proofread and make suggestions, I can set up a place where you can send your resume (in word or PDF format) and I will proofread - and critique if you would also like that.

No charge, of course, to my peeps, which includes all of you.


Hahahaha! Picky picky at me on Ning. Nice. We ALL know I can't write for beans, so of course I would have YOU proof read for me. Nice offer SeaRain and I would happily have you and one or two others eye bat such an important document.

Abuse is a hot topic with me right now. Let's talk about abuse at the workplace. Anyone having these issues? From my experience of late - and that of others I have spoken with - it seems that some Gen X types like to use abuse to try and control their peeps.
I should qualify this to say "psychological abuse".
Oh this is GOOD! Our Cowgirlu posted the link on her facebook profile (thanks darlin') and I just must share this with y'all! It's about acing an interview with the Gen X crowd when one is over 50 - an excellent advice article! Dealing with "bosses" in their thirties when one has a wealth of experience to offer is one of the most difficult issues facing our group in these very difficult times. Thanks Cowgirlu !!!





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