TBD on Ning

Right now, those Congresscritters on the left are worried about mid-term elections, hearing the echoes of the Clinton inaction and abject health care failure.

It's time for them to shit or get off the pot.

I want a vote...a TEST vote...on both floors by the end of the month. I want a ROLL CALL vote on the test, to see who needs to be replaced and who is ready to step up and be counted.

I want the crybabies from the right...the doom and gloom shouters...to have to hold up their hands then go back and justify to their constituents and explain why a public health care plan is not in their interests.

It's time to step up...for all of them. Do SOMETHING...now!

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I agree completely. Plus I do hope Obama supports the public option in his speech which he is in the middle of right now. He needs to do what the supporters expected him to do. He said he would support health care reform. If he does not come up with reform, with a public option, I expect he is going to be a one term president. If he and a majority in both houses cannot legislate then perhaps they should be replaced.
I loved Elizabeth Edwards "The Summer Circus is over". Yep...time for the serious people to step up to the plate.

And I loved the President saying that he's going to call out the liars...I hope he does so as he did during the campaign...by NAME.

He's thrown down the gauntlet....now lets see if he can pick it back up and LEAD. The proof is in the pudding.




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