TBD on Ning

Why do they call reducing carbon dioxide emissions "going green?" Basic biology teaches us that plants need carbon dioxide to live. Therefore, reducing our carbon dioxide emissions means fewer plants. That sounds like exactly the opposite of "going green" to me.

They're trying to prevent the "greenhouse" effect. Well, what grows in a greenhouse? Plants! Again, less greenhouse effect, fewer plants.

So, what do you call it when you tell people the exact opposite of the truth? Oh, yeah, it's called a lie.

Tags: global warming, going green, lies, truth

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Hey Marge,

Just make sure to wash those bags regularly. I recently read an article about an uptick in food poisoning because people aren't washing their reusable bags.
I think you mean carbon monoxide. We exhale carbon dioxide and I believe that it's carbon monoxide that comes out of an exhaust pipe. As far as the "greenhouse" effect and that plants grow in a greenhouse, that's interesting.
Nope. Here's a quote (just for reference) and a link to just one article I found on the web:

"Unfortunately, our politicians are lagging behind when it comes to making any real change a reality. At the G8 summit earlier this year, the leaders of the G8 nations (including Barack Obama) worked on a deal that would limit the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 450ppm. That won't be good enough."

Maybe they can simply outlaw breathing.
I also find it strange that they can't accurately predict the weather three days in advance - the forecast fluctuates by several degrees from day to day - yet they claim to be able to predict the weather a century in advance. Hmmm....
It's not easy....

It is a like any thing else. Too much carbon dioxide is bad. Just the right amount is good. Moderation in all things.
I certainly can't argue with you there. Moderation is definitely the key. But, what is just the right amount of carbon dioxide? Nobody knows. However, some politicians would love to set some arbitrary limits, anyway...because it's all about controlling people's lives and making sure the "right" people makes oodles of money in the process. I'm not buying the hype, personally.
(((((((WYLDE)))))))) wow everyonce in a while i find an old face from the past :)
glad to see your still around

I bought a green motherboard.
It went from a three hundred watt power supply to a four hundred.
How is that saving anything?

This green thing is just another way to glob onto your money.
To me going green is necessary. i RECYCLE. I work in a place that does not, I pay someone to pick up everything that can be recycled to take it to the city plant where I live. Everything in my house is green. All my children are very councious of this also
Not really, jacquin. I don't have time to fret about stuff. There's really no emotion behind this discussion, just chatting. I choose to focus on all the good things in my life, rather than the negative. Sometimes, though, I do enjoy expressing my opinion about things. I know that you often don't agree with me, but, like it or not, I really do have a constitutional right to freedom of speech.

Why are you always trying to read some big, damatic emotion into my posts? What qualifies you exactly to discern what I am feeling at any given moment? There really is no emotion behind most of my posts - in between, I go and cook dinner or watch tv or put a load of laundry in...not sure why you are constantly trying to label me as "angry" or "bitter" or whatever. May I express an opinion without your psychoanalysis?




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