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Tags: day-to-day doings, equestrian ephemera, what's happenin'?

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Hahaha! That can be a goal--to ride as many ride-able animals as possible... 

How's Max doing? Did Delci get sold? I'll continue rooting for you to miraculously find a compatible, athletic horse with which to partner for a long while.  

Hi Angharad.....Max is fine. In fact we earned the IHA third place year end award which I only found out about when one of the board emailed me recently about picking up my award since I did not attend the dinner. Delci has been leased for a year. Nathan is permanently retired at the age of 30.   

Uta Gräf & Le Noir - bitless dressage May 2011

Le Noir born 2000 black Holstein stallion by Leandro x Caletto I and his rider Uta Gräf at home training some Grand Prix movements with bitless bridle.

I can't reply to your last entry, Carol--no more "replies" left :>)--so I'm answering down here...

Congratulations on your win with Max! Pretty amazing considering what little time you had to prepare for shows. (Is IHA the Islip Horsemens Association? I had to do a little Googling.)

Too bad about Delci, at least for you. It had sounded like she might be a good partner for you.

I'm happy for Nathan, as I'm sure you are. Thirty is a very respectable age for retirement--time for that boy to get nothing but pampering!

So Max and I did well at our first show of the season.  Our scores improved over last year: 63.000% for Intro B, 61.250% for Intro C and 63.250% for Training level 1 plus we earned the special award for a schooling horse with the highest score in Training level. 



Tristan Tucker: Prepare More, Fight Less--Teaching relaxation under pressure for the sensitive dressage horse.  https://www.trtmethod.com/

Charlotte Dujardin Masterclass: How to Ride Straight Flying Changes

Charlotte Dujardin: "I've learnt so much from Valegro"

Hi Angharad...Just returned yesterday from 10 days in London and Paris. Looked at your posts and noticed one about Delci and Nathan. Don't remember if I told you that Delci who was leased off grounds died of colic suddenly last fall, she was 9 yo and around the same time Nathan died from a heart attack. My first show for the season is coming up in July.... I could have done one in June but Maxx is entered in a schooling show for that date.   




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