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What's the dumbest thing someone has told you before?

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that they don't believe in God

That...just because an idea is new......it's better.

That "god never gives anybody more than they can handle." Oh, yeah? Tell that to the people who committed suicide. Oh wait, I can't: they're dead.

do good and good thimgs will come to you...BULLSH*T !!

I agree; "The only reward you'll ever get for doing the right thing is in your own mind; but do it anyway. Because I said so, that's why." --Raindoll, philosopher

Here's a dumb thing that was just said to me online (not this site) yesterday: "I don't think that scientific studies are helpful at all because they don't apply to every single person on Earth." Well, no, only to those that are open to learning stuff, I guess...sigh...

that ted cruz is the only politician who can be trusted....so fucking wrong on so many levels....

a) many politicians are reasonably honest and honorable

b) that ted cruz could be trusted in any fashion whatsoever....

That they believe in a god. Listen to all the primary candidates so far; they want their particular god to make the rules for all of us. If I listened to them I'd have to become racist, homophobic, misogynist, and believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old

Listen to all the primary candidates so far; they want their particular god to make the rules for all of us. If I listened to them I'd have to become racist, homophobic, misogynist, believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old, and be dumb enough to think global warming is a hoax.

I can tell you what is a hoax. That god's plan included WWI, WW2, 9.11, etc, etc, etc.

I know, right? I guess that same plan also included cancer in children, Alzheimers, pediophiles, sociopaths/psychopaths, alla that & other stuff that people are either born with or get thru no fault of their own. And like somebody said to me once, "That's not god's doing; that's the devil's." But didn't god create the devil along with everything and everybody else? So...how...why...oh, great, here comes the headache; thanks, religion.

Don't get me wrong, religion played a part in most peoples lives for the better.

But now there's no excuse to continue superstition.

Get up and stand on our own two feet!




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