TBD on Ning

does anybody here think its a good idea to have china get a large control over the pork and chicken industries ?? smithfield pork was one of their targets but i'm not sure how that went .. ( after all them dead pigs by the thousands were found floatin down the river in china ) that may have changed a few minds .. and now all them chicken nuggets they're makin just for the china market is under such close watch because of all the screwups that just came to light .. makes you wonder if they'll ever get the ok to be the main supplier to the usa of all the chicken nuggets as they had planed .. what with the dog food and dog biskets that was killin our dogs that was from china and the poison in the toothpaste .. ehh .. what next .. chinese chicken nuggets .. what could go wrong ?? 

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Remember what happened to people's pets!!!  How could giving China the rights to pork and chicken be a good thing?  Why is it necessary?   Don't we have farmers here in the US anymore?

Globalization screwed up EVERYTHING. 

I don't care where chicken nuggets are made. I would not touch them with a ten foot pole. They are just gross. we should not allow them to be sold regardless of where they were made. Have you ever looked at the inside of one of those things?

I don't eat chicken period. In fact we shot 2 deer last hunting season and thats about all I eat. I might buy fresh seafood but thats about it.

yeah we have millions of deer just runnin loose all around the usa .. why can't we harvest some of them .. humanely of course .. i saw somethin the other day that it was somethin like 30 million of em .. its gettin to where they come right into your yard and eat your flowers .. we don't have that problem down here but in some area's they do .. so in times when the beef supply is gonna be less because of all these wild fires ( which probably ain't gonna get better anytime soon if at all .. it might be the new norm .. ) the cows will have less to eat because the drought and fires will burn up a lot of stuff .. which will make it hard for the deer too so why not cull the herds a bit .. 

and i think the reason for china gettin to make the nuggets macchicken and the pork is because the labor is cheaper over there .. and if we keep sendin all the illegals back pretty soon it will be 8 bucks for a tomato cause nobody will wanna pick em ..same for all the slaughter houses.. most people don't wanna work in them places cept for the illegals ..   yeah this globalization is changin the way things get done fer sure .. 

immigration isn't fricking new....we used to have the 'braceros' come up from mexico every year during planting and harvest seasons. what's new is the hatred of immigrants. add to that all the bullshit and ignorance about how the laws are structured and you've got a perfect opportunity for blowdried charlatans to add to their political stature.

chinese food products? are you fucking crazy? think back over the last 4 years or so....melamine deliberately added to baby formula to boost the protein level (oh did we mention it causes brain damage?), antifreeze instead of glycerine in toothpaste cause it is way cheaper, tainted meats, adulterated products? fuck that...

OK I'm just gonna say this. We cannot afford to provide medical care, house and educate all the illegal children coming over here with no parents. Sorry for their situation but we can't even take care of what we already have much less sick kids that are scared, and don't speak or understand our language.

and they have to be returned to the country of origin. what that means is they have to be detained and have hearings and then be deported to their home country. all that is according to the laws that govern the united states government's behavior in dealing with illegal immigrants and especially minors. in the case of minors, as soon as they are stopped and detained, the government assumes a role in loco parentis.

by law, once they take custody of a minor by detaining them, the hhs is responsible for their welfare until they have a deportation hearing and are sent back to their country of origin. that's the way the law works. and legally you can't just dump minors back across the border. once they are stopped and detained, the government functions 'in loco parentis' until they are sent home

The law

Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Congress transferred the care and custody of unaccompanied minor immigrants from the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to HHS.

In 2008, the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act expanded the responsibilities of HHS, and required that the children must be placed "promptly" into the "least restrictive setting," that is in the best interest of the child. The act, a bipartisan effort that expanded on earlier efforts to protect unaccompanied children, was signed by George W. Bush shortly before he left office.

The law mandates that children be allowed to retain legal counsel and petition for the right to stay in the U.S. at an immigration hearing. Due to an overwhelming backlog in immigration cases -- there are currently over 360,000 pending cases pending, according to data gathered by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University – the children often wait months, or years, for a judge to hear their case.

Well ship them to Washington D C

Hey! I live by DC! I hear rumors we have some of them in the Rappahonnack Regional Correctional Facility (not with inmates), but I can't find any proof of that. No one's talking.

We send billions and billions to other nations...and we can't support or take care of these children? Come on people.

We can afford it easily especially when they just voted for over 200 billion in tax breaks for corporations which is just added to the deficit because there was no funding to support this.

What we really need to do is get our priorities straight.

Leviticus 19  33: When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them.

                    34: The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.   I never see the Tea Party quote this.

Amen Lifesighs




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