The only one who is responsible for Wal-Mart's success is Sam Walton. The rest of the family who have all this money are merely lucky enough to have been born into that family and to have inherited the fruits of old Sam's efforts. The same can be said of Trump's kids.....Gate's kids.....many more. They didn't earn that money; their parents and grandparents did. They just live off the sweat of their ancestor's brow. There, but for the Grace of God, go I. What would I do if my grandfather was Sam Walton? I don't have a clue. I am reasonably sure I would be having a good time, though.
There is a man who works at our Wal-Mart who is in a old, beat-up wheelchair. He has one arm. That's arm. No legs. But he goes to work every day and has become a department manager. I wonder how many other people would've given him a chance....?
I'm not defending Wal-Mart. My dil was a manager of a Target in Charlotte, NC. The hours were brutal and she never got to celebrate Holidays. Now she works for Starbuck's. In a month, she'll get her own store. Will that be any better? Dunno. I do know that any job in retail pays poorly, considering the weekends and Holidays you have to give up. My first job was the lunch counter at Woolworth's. I didn't make much money, and tips were poor. But I made enough money to buy my clothes for my Freshman year of college. It never occurred to me to expect more money. I was right out of high school, for Pete's sake! A trained monkey could've done my job. Your pay is determined, in large part, by what you bring to the table. My son has spent almost half of his life in some sort of school. He has a degree in Engineering Physics. He put in 21 years in the Corps. I don't begrudge him the 6-figure income he makes. He brings a lot of knowledge and experience with him. His brother, however, makes far less money working for the Firestone Tire Company......because he chose not to go to college and never joined the service. His choice. He makes an occasional snide remark about his brother's "toys"......but he readily admits he'd have had a better life if he'd paid his dues.
sam walton both founded the walmart stores and grew it. but he also paid well at the time and sold american products. the next generation has the same attitude as much of the corporate world now which is that the business exists to serve them rather than the customers. there is a big difference in that. and the difference between when you had your first job and now is that fewer and fewer jobs are supplying a middle class living no matter what people have in their resumes as our businesses export jobs and worry more about corporate profits and executive bonuses ratgher than being a decent and ethical steward of a company. a good example in the news right now? how bout gm and the faulty ignition switches? what kind of a person HIDES a defect that causes fatal accidents? these are people that really should face criminal charges and DO PRISON TIME.
sadly .. you're so right pickleallen .. there has to be a better way and maybe if they shone a light on the differences between walmart and costco then walmart would change their policy a bit .. the more we the people know the more walmart would have to change ..
This year If you work at Costco for 5 years you make 23.00 an hour and if you are full-time you get a nice bonus, Last year it was 7000.00 . Some Costco employees can make close to 90k and are not managers. It is a great company.
and at costco, their prices are competitive or even beat sam's club and walmart, not to mention the quality of their merchandise is better. so why can't walmart pay its employees enough to make a living?
Not any Costco near me either . Only Sams and B J's
So how much does a BJ cost where you live Wayne?
Well when it first came here it was 2 for the price of one . That made it feel so good ....
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