TBD on Ning

i betcha it was a ploy..one of them shurefire gimmicks...."c'mon back to my motel room, hunny, and i'll let you pet my snake"

40 Pythons In Motel Room Were ‘Distressed’ Black Market Snakes

40 pythons

On Thursday, 40 pythons, described as being in a “distressed” condition, were rescued from a motel room in Brantford, Canada.

Police found the ball pythons in plastic storage bins and quickly called the SPCA after noting that the animals were nor properly cared for, reports Reuters.

“We popped the lids of the containers and saw a mass of snake,” said animal cruelty investigator Brandon James. “They were all entangled. They were in distress because of the overcrowding.”

The 40 pythons in the motel room were of a non-venomous species which hails from Africa. They can grow up to 4 1/2 feet in length, and is the smallest of the African pythons. It is also a popular pet snake due to its relatively docile temperament.

However, it’s illegal to own a python in Brantford. James believes that the snakes were being gathered for sale elsewhere, as there’s a big demand for mature ball pythons.

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They should have shot the drunk guy too. What an idiot.

I like the second link: "The man, who was in his twenties, was carrying a bible when he scaled the 20ft overhanging chain-metal fence surrounding the Asiatic lion...." I think there was another one somewhere that the man was clutching a bible. Apparently they think the bible will ward off Lions. I guess they forgot that the Biblical Daniel had an angel backing him up (Daniel 6:22) and one had to be a faithful servant of the Lord of course and I am not sure if drunks qualify.

One time my kids found a bunch of garter snakes mating in the woods. OK folks , explain this one to me. They came home with 26 snakes. I told them they could keep a few but the rest had to go back. Sure enough they got loose in the house and I found one under the bird's cage and he slithered away to hide under the washing machine. Then there was the one that shot straight out at me when I opened the linen closet to take out a towel. I think the neighbors could hear me that time.

Oh, Merry.  Scary.

Once I bought my kids hermit crabs.  A couple of nights, in the middle of the night we heard movement, then NOTHING for quite a while. Then they started to smell, and I threw them out.  Not very fun pets!

My daughter had a bird for twelve years.  He would not come out of his cage for any reason.  I used to pray he would die so that I would not have to see him all caged up.

Then she got an iguana. Same deal.  He would come out of the cage and she would play with it, but when he went through puberty, he got violent for a while, then calmed down, then died.

NO MORE ANAYTHING in a cage.  Too hard to watch.


We always have dogs and cats, though.

My great grandkids have a Bearded Dragon named Sheila.  Head to tip of tail, she'd now about 14 inches.  She eats crickets and some veggies and special food my granddaughter buys at the pet store.  They let her out of her cage to run around, and I can't handle that.  I am very squeamish about anything cold-blooded.  My 6-yr-old great granddaughter says, "But, Grandma, she doesn't bite", and I say, "I know, Honey, but I just don't like lizards".  She hates spiders, so I said, "What if I had a pet Tarantula and let it run around the house?  How would you like that?"  She squealed, "Oh, No!  I'm scared of spiders!". So I said, "Well, that's the way I feel about Sheila."  She thought about it for a minute, and then said, "But Sheila's cute!" 

I gave up. 

They had two hermit crabs, but they informed me when I was there this summer that "Batman ate Sponge Bob".

Poor Sponge Bob!

And my was Sponge Bob tasty!!!   LOL

O my word Crest, throw another iguana on the barbie. I was going through a divorce and it was sort of like the nuclear arms race only with toys and pets. They always came home with something. An iguana, a rabbit, hamsters and mice. At one point ,my son had 40 rodentia in the house in his room. I was on the computer late one night and the hamster named after me came plopping down the stairs. Another one escaped into the wall and came out of a hole for a light switch that hadn't been completely installed yet when it smelled the popcorn we were eating while watching TV. My son was having trouble sleeping because his pets were nocturnal and so my first husband's brilliant idea was to feed them to his old business partner's caimen/gator. He always rented a car to come and get the kids in VT and this time he took all the rodents with him. Only problem was that when he got back to CT, one of the mice, a white one was missing. . . . . . . . . . . .




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