TBD on Ning

HEADLINE: Rest in pieces: Hasbro to replace a classic Monopoly game token

This is monumental.  Hasbro, the makers of the board game MONOPOLY, has decided to make a change to our favorite jaunt through the real estate market of Atlantic City. (click)  Fans now have the opportunity to vote-away one of the traditional playing pieces: The snotty dog...I mean...the Scotty dog (never), the race car (I seriously doubt this one will go), a shoe, a hat, a battleship (I think this will stay), an iron (what's an iron?), a thimble (do they still make these?) and a wheel barrow.

The replacement piece will be a diamond ring, a guitar, a cat, a robot or a helicopter.

If I had my way, I'd replace the wheel barrow because I didn't even know there was one.  I guess my eyes have just glossed right over it all these years.  I would replace it with the U.S.S. Enterprise.

If they're going to update, they might as well update to the cultural icons of my generation.

Does anyone still play board games?


Tags: Monopoly, board_games, playing_pieces

Views: 149

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Ya, I upgraded to Aggieopoly, it has the Dixie Chicken and a bonfire.

Okay with me as long as they the dog and race car alone.

Well, if it was up to me...

We must have lost the iron, I sure don't remember that one. I started looking to see what the pieces look like and noticed they'd already changed them from when I was a kid! These are not my monopoly pieces:These are more like what I remember:

I hope the leave the Top Hat, I was always impressed with that.




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