You guys look like you have it under control but thought I would add my support.
I can chip in a few dollars here and there, but not gonna administrate anything.
I would make a good hall monitor or chocolate chip cookie judge.
DD, I'm a little confused(as usual) I do not recall seeing administrator and Moderator being used interchangebly. My understanding is; The Administrator is the one who deals with Ning and is actually the one who is responsible for keeping everything running. The Moderators are responsible for maintaining the free flow of participation in an orderly manner. Kind of the cops on the block. In the past there was one person in charge of the mods. That was Kat and another women before her. When we had over 2000 active members a number of mods were required. This in turn required a person with the authority to resolve disputes among the moderators. At present this is not a requirement. However, there is a need for someone to approve new members and maintain discipline amoung the active members. If you go to the FAQ/Help tab you will see 6 names. As far as I can tell, I am the only one currently active. I usually approve/disapprove from 1 to 10 new member requests per week. Most are 24 year old girls from dafur or nigeria who want true love.
Kat is still active, and is the one who manages the site. However, she is an introvert and stays out of sight most of the time. I think that the Tier Three group is still active, but since I am not a writer I am not sure.
Anyway, if we can get interest built up, it does take more than one person to keep it going.
Another concern is; How is Ning doing? I have seen some Ning groups disolving. As I said before, when I get back to the RV and access to my Ning book I will try to dig into this more deeply.
I anticipate that this will be a topic of discussion at TeeBeeDee's Birthday bash. So, if you are really interested you might try to attend. Of course, I'm sure we will have skype set up so that you can join in the revelry.
Hope a lot of you have a lot to add.
Yep, Sleep tight, Talk more tomorrow.
I went to that site; I don't visit there. The only tbd place I check in with on fb is Moosie's Crossing.
How many TBD groups are there on fb? I initially thought when I saw this that I wish everyone would just return here so we have just one gathering place. Then I rethought it, and thought.... nah.... we're good.
No, me, neither. It's my social network home.
Yep, I guess the whining about the original TBD, Ning, MA, etc, etc, etc, will never end. I like it here, and I like the people. This ain't broke, so I don't think we need to fix it, except, of course, to let Robin finally get away from it.
BTW, I was going to make a New Year's Resolution, to not bait and ridicule boorish and pontificating people who show up here occasionally with an agenda more suited to another format.
But then I thought, "Nah, bring it on"......maybe next year. ;-0
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