TBD on Ning

Let's celebrate the beauty and power of the human voice without instrumental accompaniment. Any genre, any format.

Tags: Isicathamiya, barbershop, doo wop, gospel, in the manner of the chapel

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To D., my wonderwall.

Exquisite, Quinn...Tears in my eyes for my balach biodheach, my beautiful boy, D.  Who am I kidding...weeping like a baby.

(To him...Tha gaol agam ort, M'Annsachd, Mo Ghradh a Chaoidh.)

I thought you might like this :-)

The group are called The Chantileers.

Heartfelt hugs.


I searched for some acapella by Maddy Prior and June Tabor, the English folk singers, but came up empty.

Well...here's Maddy for you with Steeleye Span. Brings back memories.

You got me remembering, Funes, so I was listening to June and just happened to run across this. I hadn't heard it before.

Absolutely lovely...thank you.

Looking for Welsh male choirs, I wandered into this. Touching.

My all time favorite and I am not even religious




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