On July 28 of this year, Nancy Morgan, a new friend on TBD, posted a blog entry entitled, “
The End Of White Guilt”. I read it with interest, and re-read it with still more interest, and promptly asked Nancy to join my group “Race in America.” I was hoping to have a discussion about some of the issues she raised in her post. So far, Ms. Morgan has declined to join us. I do think that her post is illustrative of the different ways in which black and white people see and talk about incidents involving race.
I couldn’t even get past the second sentence before my “spidey sense” was tingling. “Here come the hyperbole and lies,” I thought. Morgan writes, ”For the first time, a white man is standing up to a black man's charge of racism.” Did she happen to forget about the defendants in the Emmett Till murder case or the countless other cases (and the multitude of incidents that went unreported because…really, what was the point?) that went the same way? For Morgan and how many other historical revisionists was this a “first” in America? Selective memory or oversight? If it was an oversight, it was one hell of an oversight. One that a certain segment of the population has perfected over centuries really. Selective vision, as well?
Morgan was writing about the Henry Louis Gates arrest at his home by the officers of the Cambridge police. This she called “the latest racial tempest in a teapot…” I’m not exactly sure black Americans in particular or people of color generally would necessarily see it that way. One Black man (and his friend), one Irish cop (backed up by five other policemen), some heated words, some besmirched dignity and a fits-all-occasions charge, is a scene that is all too familiar in many neighborhoods. The fact that it took place in the home of the arrested man or that the spurious charges were dropped before there could be a very public investigation, were the only anomalies at the time. The fact that just about everyone in Cambridge, hell, everyone who watches PBS, except apparently officer Crowley knew who Henry Gates was amusing, but also emblematic. This is not “a tempest in a teapot,” but rather a fact of life for black Americans, something that many whites like Morgan can afford to be completely ignorant of. It makes no difference how much education, notoriety, or status a black man achieves or what he contributes. When confronted by a cop he is just a black man in America. This was, indeed, what professor Gates was saying, however rudely, to officer Crowley.
Could this encounter have been about something other than race? Yes. About something other than racism? Doubtful. Why? What people have got to realize is that racism has always been a power thing. It hasn’t been race per se. It’s always been the fact that you could have power over another. Add the layer of the racial history of this country and the traditional use of the police in relationship to black men to this first person account of a white man in MN.
"As a middle age WHITE male, I was caught in a similar situation last summer. I had just arrived home to my Minneapolis home. My neighbor, who had been watching my house for me noticed that my air conditioner was running and apparently forgot that I would be back. She called police and let the cops into my home.
I was taking a well deserved nap when I woke up to officers giving orders and pointing weapons at me. I was shocked! Being awakened in your own home by police in your bedroom screaming at you with guns pointed is nothing I would wish on anybody. I was ordered against the wall where I was frisked and a gun kept close to my head. I told the officers that "I live here" and I had I.D. in my pocket. Even after they found out I did in fact live there, they refused to put their guns away and one told me to "control your dog". My golden retriever, Abby wandered in wondering what all the noise was about? I almost lost my dog that day! When I finally asked the officers "please lower your weapons", I was cursed at. That's when I realized how completely helpless I was. These officers could have done anything they wanted even after they knew they were in my home and I had done nothing wrong.
This has everything to do with power! Not necessarily racial power, but POLICE POWER. I know!"
Black people know this, but it is not just black folks that have figured this out. Listen to the words of David K. Shipler in his book on race in America, “A Country of Strangers.” Shipler writes, “Over their entire history on this continent, African Americans have struggled as a people in every conceivable way, short of widespread armed insurrection, to share in the pursuit of happiness. By social reflex or by calculation, by happenstance or by ideology, blacks have been servile and militant, passive and hardworking, dependent and self-sufficient. They have used the church, the mosque, the schoolhouse, the university, the military, and the corporation in an effort to advance. They have tried to go back to Africa, and they have tried to function within the political system of the United States. They have tried peaceful demonstrations and violent street riots. They have tried sweet reason and angry rhetoric, assimilation and separatism. They have appealed to the nations conscience and to its fears. It would wrong to say none of this has worked. Individuals have succeeded. But neither deference nor defiance has been effective for black Americans as a whole. No degree of personal success quite erases the stigma of black skin, as many achieving blacks realize when they step outside their family, neighborhood, or professional environment into a setting where their rank and station and accomplishments are not known. “Out of my community, I was just another black, no matter how much I had accomplished.” You see, it doesn’t make much difference about the status that a black achieves. He is black in America.”
When reporter Lynn Sweet, of the Chicago Sun Times, asked President Obama to comment on the incident, black and white alike recognized the question as a potential trap and fully expected Barack Obama to diplomatically side-step the issue, thus avoiding those sharp sticks at the bottom of the pit, metaphorically speaking. When he instead opined that the Cambridge police Department “acted stupidly,” we all knew what was coming. Still, we were amazed that he dared speak the truth. He knew full well there would be a reaction to his words, although he couldn’t know how severe it might be. But the mere fact that he stood before the nation and told the truth that no one wanted to hear was immensely refreshing.
Morgan, in her post, quotes Shelby Steele, the author of “White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era.” Conservative Whites and the blacks who want to be like them, love Steele because he preserves their sense of racial innocence. It is from Steele’s foundation of “White guilt = Black power” that the assault on affirmative action as a policy is often launched. The conflation of Black power and White guilt is absurd. Having lived through the Black power movement, I can tell you it was about Black people coming into their power (Black is Beautiful) and honoring their roots. Morgan writes, “The power to evoke white guilt and the stigma of racism has been used time and again to bring corporations, politicians and public figures to their knees. White guilt has also played a significant part in the shaping of public policy and political correctness. It has also shielded generations of blacks from accountability, with predictable and damaging results.”
If white people feel guilt, it is not because black people are invoking it. Guilt kept coming up with a few people on the old TBD site, prompting me to write,
“Guilt keeps coming up. Why is that? Who is ‘making’ you feel guilty? Does your guilt benefit me? I don't think so.”
“White guilt. Black guilt. It all useless. Your guilt does nothing at all for me or anyone else that I can see. Guilt does not solve the problem of racism. If that's true, why feel guilt?”
“Can anyone explain this to me? Seriously.”
“Let's agree to do this...I'll give you permission to not feel guilty and you agree to not excise black people from the nation’s history and stop denying that racism is still a problem.”
People feel guilt when they have done something wrong. Many white people are quick to point out that they have not personally enslaved anyone, nor have they embraced racist ideology or philosophy. Sounds to me like these people should exist without guilt about race. As for fear of being called racist. I don’t understand it. Speaking about Eric Holder’s assertion that Americans are cowards when it comes to talking about race, I had a TBD member write, “I don't know about being cowards for this reluctance. More like - it's impossible to have an honest discussion about it without being LABELED as a racist... So most folks are thinking – ‘you know what? Ain't worth it...’ "
I wrote something appropriate and grownup, but what I wanted to say (in a Chris Rock voice) was, “WTF… What are you…like two years old?” So what if someone tries to put a label on you? People have been calling me names since I first made my appearance in the world. You know, I’m still breathing. Big deal. Of course, if you catch me on a bad day, you may walk away with a bloody nose, but no permanent damage.
If, as Morgan asserts, “The power to evoke white guilt and the stigma of racism has been used time and again to bring corporations, politicians and public figures to their knees,” I’ve yet to see evidence of it. Anyone see any corporations on their knees? Michael Richards, Trent Lott, Jeff Sessions, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, Lou Dobbs, Michelle Malkin…are any of these people on their knees? I don’t think so. Most are making money hand over fist, despite being widely characterized as racists. Not by me, of course. I could not possibly comment.
Morgan goes on to comment that Rev. Al Sharpton “weighed in with his predictable and automatic assignment of blame to whitey, calling the case an "abuse of power" by the officer.” There is a widespread belief among some people, both white and black, that any affront to a person of color is, by tradition, accompanied by a charge of racism. There may be some truth to that, but only if one accounts for history from any period since this country’s founding. Bob Herbert is exactly right when he claims, “Black people are constantly being stopped, searched, harassed, publicly humiliated, assaulted, arrested and sometimes killed by police officers in this country for no good reason.” This is not to impugn all police officers (I originally wanted to be one), but rather an acknowledgement of the status quo in America.
Let’s take an example from Chicago. The latest state traffic study on who gets pulled over by police shows once again that minorities are more likely to be the subject of so-called consent searches although police are more likely to find contraband in the vehicles of white drivers. In Chicago, minority drivers were four times more likely to get searched, down from five times more likely in the last study. According to the 2008 study, released earlier last month, when a vehicle of a white driver was "consent-searched," officers statewide found contraband 24.7 percent of the time. When a vehicle driven by a minority was searched, officers found contraband 15.4 percent of the time. What else would you call this finding besides an artifact of racism?
Ms. Morgan makes several claims toward the end of her essay, some of which like “…charges of racial oppression and racism ring false now that a black man has been elected to the Presidency,” are so ridiculous as to not even warrant a response. Others are ripe for debate. For example, Morgan claims that “America has paid its debt to the black man and they are now welcome to compete, on an equal footing, with the rest of America.” The previous paragraph would seem to indicate that this might not yet be so. Morgan makes no mention of how or when this “debt” was paid. Many black and native people would love to know the details of this payment. One of Morgan’s claims I have no doubt is true for a large segment of people. She writes that “…most white Americans are ever so tired of having to prove day and night that they 'are not racist.” I have read that sentiment several places. Might I suggest that whites (and blacks) be less worried about being labeled racist and more worried about acting racist. It is the actions of racists individuals that do the damage, not their thoughts or even so much their beliefs. Of course, most people have difficulty separating thoughts from actions. Therein lies the rub.
Lastly, while claiming Barack Obama’s election to the presidency of the United States gives whites a free pass to dodge accusations of racism from black people, Morgan nevertheless criticizes him for answering Lynn Sweet’s question about the Gates arrest honestly, a development hailed by many in the black community. Although we all knew there would have to be some subsequent moderation of his original stated position, many were happy that he did not retract the substance of his comments, only the tone. This is the non-threatening posture a black in power must carefully adopt to ease white worries. Since Ms. Morgan is fond of Shelby Steele, let me quote him in explaining what had to be done. Steele writes,” No black candidate will have a serious chance at his party’s nomination, much less the presidency, unless he can convince white Americans that he can be trusted to preserve their sense of racial innocence. Such a candidate will have to use his or her power of absolution; he will have to flatly forgive and forget.”
Black Americans have their own issues to deal with, but white guilt is not one of them. The end of white guilt will come when whites understand their country’s history and peoples well enough to be able to see and correct the legacy of the country’s original sins, thus obviating the need for the guilt now felt by so many.
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