TBD on Ning

The Welcome Lounge


The Welcome Lounge

A warm WELCOME to TBD on Ning ~ Please introduce (or reintroduce ) yourself and take a peek . It's a wonderful community of folks from all over the world and walks of life. Do come on in and make yourself at home!

Location: International
Members: 229
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2022

What and who is "TBD on Ning"? An introduction:

TBD on Ning ~ is a place for the over 40 crowd to mingle and share experiences in order to thrive. It's a wonderful community!
Please introduce yourself and take a peek at all of our groups as we explore the many exciting "to be determined " aspects of life ! Some of us joined TBD ( in it's former incarnation ) in Sept. of 2007, some in '08, some in '09 - and now it's 2011 - which is to say we have staying power and a lot to offer. From fun in the Forum & the Q&A (Questions & Answers) "lounges" to frisky, feisty, argumentative, informative, spiritual. wise and not forgetting down right silly, you will find a group that suits your interests! So don't just lurk and peek, please jump right in!

Kindly visit:
Have a personal issue or question? Please feel free to send a private message (PM) to any of the moderators of this group, who are J Lee S, Cat, Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana, and CuppaJoe , or to the moderators of TBD on Ning - see link (guidelines) above. Enjoy!

Discussion Forum

Introductions please! 150 Replies

Please take a moment to introduce yourself!  Perhaps you can tell us how you came to find TBD ~ and please feel free to ask any questions here too. We will do our very best to help you settle in and…Continue

Tags: questions, returning_members, new_members, introductions

Started by Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana. Last reply by East TX granny Dec 19, 2022.

TeeBeeDee History collection. 12 Replies

Place for pieces of TDB history.Continue

Tags: Pru, Original, TeeBeeDee, TBD

Started by Aggie. Last reply by Aggie Sep 23, 2020.

hello everybody 4 Replies

i am new here to TBD of course..lol i was in search of a great site free of drama and NOT HARDLY GO DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE..lol everything to be working correctly and most importantly some where that…Continue

Tags: introduction

Started by Mandy. Last reply by Aggie Apr 25, 2020.


Hello Folks, Welcome to our little coffee shop, where we just gather when we want totake a little break, chat with whomever might be here at the moment andget to know each other. It's a friendly…Continue

Started by CuppaJoe. Last reply by Aggie Sep 11, 2019.

If you want to keep TBD Ning going... 24 Replies

I am trying to put the word out that the funding to keep TBD Ning going is only through June.  I have no intention of putting more money in -- despite snide comments here, I did not give up on TBD…Continue

Started by Robin Wolaner. Last reply by Angharad Aug 20, 2018.

Hello and Welcome 20 Replies

This is TBD.  This site has a long and complicated history...it has weathered a tough storm and while it emerged heavily wounded, it now rests in calm waters where the activity is slow and gentle. …Continue

Tags: laughter, seniors, middle-age, movies, music

Started by EddieDingo. Last reply by Baia Apr 26, 2018.

newbie 2 Replies

hi i'm a newbie here. my name is john blaze, i am 46 years old.Continue

Started by Riandur Tyden. Last reply by Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana Oct 23, 2013.


Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for…Continue


Started by Ladyg. Last reply by Ladysilverbird Jan 18, 2013.

Ladyg's Rockin New Year's Eve Party 190 Replies

Well my friends this  is almost over. So we will be closing this year out with a bang with a New Year's Eve Party. The champagne will be flowing, music to jam by, delicious food to eat, party flavors…Continue


Started by Ladyg. Last reply by luvy1950 Jan 5, 2013.

Ladyg's Gathering Place - December 2012 438 Replies

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for…Continue

Tags: Music, Conversation, Friends, Food, Coffee

Started by Ladyg. Last reply by Ladysilverbird Jan 1, 2013.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of The Welcome Lounge to add comments!

Comment by Aggie on April 12, 2012 at 7:01pm

Happy Birthday, Denise!

Comment by Denise Thomas on February 9, 2012 at 3:54pm

Well HI  friends! Took me YEARS to get back here to Ning... for some reason I could not sign in under my old information. I finally just decided to make it all new. Denise Thomas/ Lady Acappella says hello. I have illness in the family so I will only be off and on for the next few weeks. I've been on FaceBook and I'm reeeeally beginning to hate FB. How is everyone?

Comment by Apposite on November 2, 2011 at 9:40pm

Phil: "Uh, when will the "children" here cease the bullshit, and get down to sharing meaningful thoughts and impressions?"

A bit strong but added albeit for provocation. It seems that there are a number of us that are war weary but like snf wish for something that at least gets our fingers on the keyboard here (on TBD Nng). I find it interesting that we lament the lack of members and lambast the colorful objections and controversies. Part of the reason is that such people were segmented and segregated so that they all agreed, the politically conservative had their own, the be nice had theirs, the relationship people had theirs etc. Nothing wrong with some of that but when we all agree we are boring. On the other hand to play Tim Elston's voice, we can still host an argument and be polite. However fine that is (and he is a personal friend of mine) when we ostracize the less popular forms of expression, we cut off the very energy of freedom which brings more people. Freedom does bring its own energies. We had this discussion as a last hurrah on MA. What happened is we started pointing fingers and pissed each other off so nobody wanted to play


Comment by Alan Campbell on November 2, 2011 at 1:58pm
Okey dokey... wasn't looking for anyone in particular, just wondered if people had migrated over... there was this page for a bit http://www.facebook.com/pages/TeeBeeDee/184441280570 and I thought maybe another had been created... Thanks.
Comment by Snagg on November 2, 2011 at 1:53pm
Nope. Just look in various TBDer's lists of friend's. You'll find her.
Comment by Alan Campbell on November 2, 2011 at 1:51pm
I understand that. :-) Isn't there a specific page that the old TBDers are going to?
Comment by Snagg on November 2, 2011 at 1:44pm
FB = Facebook.
Comment by Alan Campbell on November 2, 2011 at 1:34pm
What's the FB page? I lost it a long time ago, the page not my sanity... though that is in question as well. The only one I can find hasn't had anything posted to it in a year.
Comment by Snagg on November 2, 2011 at 11:48am
She's over on FB, along with a bunch of other two-timing rat finks - Me being one of them.
Comment by Ramon Parrish on November 2, 2011 at 11:33am

Good afternoon. I am an intermittent visitor here, although I was very active on the old site; in fact, I met my current wife on the site. I enjoy road biking and photography. Today, I needed to ask daddieo a photography question, so I thought I would drop by.

Does anyone know where Mystical Maria went?  She was an absolute riot!!


Members (229)




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