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Just last week Beck lost 4 major advertisers.

Could people be wising up?

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GEICO pulls its ads from Glenn Beck show
by ColorOfChange

Tue Aug 11, 2009 at 11:35:44 AM PDT

Great news -- yet another major company has acted in response to our campaign calling on Glenn Beck's advertisers to stop supporting his show. GEICO told us that they will no longer run ads during Beck's show.

This comes on the heels of news last week that four other advertisers -- Lawyers.com, Progressive Insurance, Procter & Gamble, and SC Johnson -- also distanced themselves from Beck. None of this would have been possible without the thousands of people -- more than 75,000, now -- who have taken action and signed our petition to Glenn Beck's advertisers.


Phukin' A !

I still say we need a horde of plain folk, armed with pitch forks, split rails, buckets of tar, and lots and lots of feathers . . .

in the meantime, if you haven't signed the petition yet, you still can, and here's your chance:

ColorOfChange Petition

Lite it up!
Great news. Maybe FOX will pull Glenn Beck's ass off the air now.
keep dreaming, and clicking your heels. you'll get to la la land.....
we're already there. That's alright. If they don't pull his lame, S.I.C. ass off the air, maybe we can get one of his right wing nut jobs to turn on him - with a gun.

I could happen. I can even show ya how . . .
The hate pushers will eventually be eliminated or minimized because most reasonable people cannot be lied to forever. GW and the GOP lied to them for eight years and we saw the results of the last presidential and congressional elections.
It used to be...30 years ago...you could complain to the sponsors of such shinola and, if enough letters were sent, the sponsor would rethink. Now the theory is "You watched..you saw our commercial...that's why we paid the money!"

Every time you go into a public place where they're playing Fixed News, ask them to turn the channel. If they refuse, leave, and tell them you'll be back when Fixed is done.
Thank you for the post, I have passed this on to every one and their mother. I was happy to hear that several people had already signed it.
That is a good suggestion.
Mad - this is an excellet idea
I have asked them to do exactly that in several Holiday Inn Express Hotels. They have always done it and no one else has complained.
I also walked out of the local McDonald's 3 years ago when they would not change the channel and I haven't been back.
I guess Geico originally thought that since cavemen watch Faux News it would reach there target demographic.
then why has Fox became the no1. independent news source on the globe...
why is every other network going broke, and Fox flush with willing advertisers?
now Fox has more viewers than any other news network anywhere on the globe, even MSNBC.
and more than any other news network combined...
I think your playing your harp a little too loudly, however carry on seems to be working for Fox...
accuse Fox of making up the news, hah....
find one shred of evidence of that, I dare you....




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