TBD on Ning


Senate health care compromise jettisonS a full-blown government insurance plan.

We send a leader to The Oval Office
and give him chicken shits who refuse to be led.

We send someone of bold action to be President
and fill the Congress with sniveling whiners who are worried only about their jobs rather than
DOING their jobs.

We send someone with compassion to the Mansion
and fill the Congress with cretins who could give a shit about the American public.

To quote THE WEST WING: "I'm so sick of Congress I could vomit."

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If only we the public had the money to lobby them like the insurance companies and other special interests.
I also find this development very disgusting. In my opinion, I think this will most likely cause many Dems to lose their congressional seats in 2010 and very possibly to cause Obama to be a one term president. But, as much as I dislike that possibility, I almost feel they all deserve to be voted out.
okay, those of you who understand more than I do, please explain, is competition completely shot? I keep hearing Weiner cheering, and Howard ya ha, and even the WH. Is there4 anything to cheer about at al?
Jacquin, I agree that the Medicare changes sound good. However, I heard this morning on TV that there will be no federal help with paying the premium for Medicare for those new enrollees and that perhaps it will be too expensive for most! In other words, new enrollees will not be able to buy Medicare for around $100 per month as is true of present enrollees. I just think the President and Dems dropped the ball. They could have passed whatever they wanted with 51 votes and let the Right Wingers scream all they wanted. Afterall, reconciliation was used by the GOP to give the huge tax breaks to their rich friends which has concentrated so much of the wealth of this nation to the top few percent! Looks to me as though many dems need to grow some gonads!
Can it really be done - when the media focus is off, and it can be tweeked quietly? Can it? What happens to pregnant moms and young kids? I keep hoping there's a second act here. I just can't believe we've been fighting over this since the forties, only to be sandbagged by Joe - "Insurance capital of the world" - Leiberman and lots of other unworthy individuals with their own private look-0ut. I am feeling mighty disspirited.
Nothing is set in stone until both houses pass a bill and the conference committee reconciles the differences. Much can change in a conference committee.
I think, it is better than nothing at all. It can be achieved in increamental ways. There are the so-call " Conservative" democrats from so-called "red- states" and Joe-Lieberman who want to find any reasons to drial this long overdue health reform bill, so majority leader Sen. Reid has no options take what he can get and wait another day to improve the bill. Reid is not a leader of an organized party he is, after all, the leader of the democratic party. If he postponed it to next year, he wont even get it to the floor for debates - 2010 elections. Most democrats who are running for elections want to play safe. If we are looking for principled and courages congressmen/women, they are very few in the majority party.
Medicare at 55! Why haven't I heard about this?
That would be great. I'm 57.
I would never work another day in my life, and some unemployed person could have my job.
Is that down the tubes, or is there a way to salvage it?
I'm going to go put a new rod holder on my boat now....just in case.
Make sure it's a small one so you can slip your brain next to your rod...should be plenty of room for both.
Now that was just rude.
Now that's just wrong.
I made one comment on this thread, and I am sincere about the medicare at 55 thing. I'm all for that. Health care costs are the ONLY thing keeping me from an early retirement.

Anyway, I fail to understand how that warrants calling me a pea brained dickhead.




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