TBD on Ning


The stupidity is overwhelming. 24% of Democrats said the same thing. Is the USA really this frigging stupid?

Here's the article. I provided the link if anyone doubts this.

Eric Kleefeld | August 19, 2009, 12:55PM

A new national survey from Public Policy Polling (D) illustrates the profound levels of ignorance that currently interfere with the debate over health care.

One question asked: "Do you think the government should stay out of Medicare?" Keep in mind that this is a logical impossibility, as Medicare is a government program, which was signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson, to provide guaranteed health care to the elderly.

As it turns out, 39% of voters think government should stay out of Medicare, compared to 46% who disagree.

Among Republicans, 62% say the government should stay out of Medicare, compared to only 24% of Democrats and 31% of independents who agree.

Tags: Care, Health, Politics, Stupidity

Views: 15

Replies to This Discussion

Read the Fountainhead, people! I hate to say it, but the character of Ellsworth M. Toohy is worth remembering in times like these (meaning: any time at all)

But it's a comfort, as least (albeit a cold one) that Republicans are at least 2.5X as stupid as Democrats. Gives me a maudlin hope....
I am thinking if all those Republicans who hate Socialism would refuse to take any federal help through Medicare or Medicaid or Social Security beyond what they paid into the programs they would probably be in a lot better financial condition.
What a depressing thing to read, being a teacher of 30 years. Guess this must prove education is failing in this country. That is always what I used to tell my Republican friend when GW got re-elected for the second term! Ha! Ha!
Did you ever watch "Jay Walking" when Leno was on the tonight show. Yes they are that stupid.
Yes, I have seen "Jay Walking" and found it hard to believe people could be THAT unintelligent! So I guess it is not to far a reach to have people believe the government should get out of Medicare and be afraid of the "Palin Death Panels".
Just shows what idiots they are if they think that government isn't already involved in Medicare. Where do they come from?
Very good Vernon, Simple, easy to understand and reasonable. The righties will never understand it.
There may be teachers that half-ass it, but I think the problem is more in priorities than in application. When I was in school, one year of political science was required. ONE. I think it should rank up there with math and English courses. I public schools need to look at some of our charter and private schools for inspiration on how to teach children. Look at how it's handled in other countries, ones that rank higher than ours.

There's no excuse for our citizens to be content with knowing so much less than the rest of the world.




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