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What's the most extreme you've gone to taking care of your pet?

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Does French Kissing count?  If it does, then we must be engaged.

I had a dog that I had to have fixed up. when I got him,(he was abused and neglected)he needed 2 stomach operations,1 hip replacement and had lyme disease.it cost a fortune,but I had no choice.

awww, that is so sad flippper. How can someone treat an animal that way?  A cold hearted person I guess. You are a wonderful man to do that for your dog. 

Where I use to live we had a neighborhood cat across the street from me, her name was Foxy she was a special cat...I loved her and wanted to take her in but my husband said NO. So I had a box and soft thick blankets for her and she would come and sleep in it at night. I fed her and gave her milk. I do not understand why her owner left her out in the cold winter. I did my best to take her.

We had a tiger stripped cat that started hanging around our house.  she would'nt come in so I'd watch 4 her 2 feed her.  When the weather got bad,  I finally got her 2 go into the garage in a box with soft towels & put her food there with water & litter box.  I took care of her until one day she swelled up like a balloon.  
I took her right 2 the Vet who said she had cancer & it was so bad he was going to have to put her to sleep.  I went out into the parking lo sobbing & all these strangers came &  hugged me & it was amAzing how they recognized another animal lover!  Whoever had that cat before did'nt
 keep up on  her shots.

You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats animals. 

You're a good man, Tim!  :-)

I simply took that dog from a dog-beater,i have a problem with dog beaters,i wanna show them how it hurts,but,,i can't always get what I want.

What ever it takes for what ever they need. We've had one dog with two knee surgeries, another that needed expensive eye medicine, a couple of dogs with cancers, one very aggressive we kept having the tumors removed including her tail but eventually the disease won. We had a big Newfie with Addison's disease lots of special medicine for him and now our Tule has a different form of Addisons, she's been taking prednisone for a year with good results.

Our pets are members of the family as I'm sure yours are.

Nearly 600 Pet Deaths Tied to Jerky Treats

By Amy Sinatra Ayres

 Illnesses in 3,600 dogs and 10 cats have been tied to eating jerky pet treats since 2007, and there have been 580 related deaths. But despite conducting more than 1,200 tests on the treats, the Food and Drug Administration hasn't been able to pinpoint the cause of the illnesses.

 Although the pace of the illnesses seems to have slowed, the agency is asking pet owners and their veterinarians to provide additional information to help their investigation, including blood, urine and tissue samples from affected animals. 

 "This is one of the most elusive and mysterious outbreaks we've encountered," says CVM Director Bernadette Dunham, DVM, Ph.D. The FDA continues to caution pet owners about giving their dogs and cats jerky treats, which can be made from chicken, duck, sweet potato, and/or dried fruit. 

Related: How to Keep Your Pet's Food Safe (and Recognize When It's Not)

 Most of the treats that have been linked to illness were made in China. There has been a decrease in reports of illness since a number of jerky treats were recalled in January after a lab reported finding evidence of low levels of several drugs in the products, but the FDA doesn't believe these drugs were causing the illnesses. If your pet becomes sick after eating jerky, the FDA recommends contacting your vet. - Read more from the FDA

chinese pet treats....what could go wrong?

thanks for the alert Problem many people do not no abuot this.

Got a dog; previous husband hated the dog; got rid of the husband, kept the dog (best decision I ever made); got a new husband who loves dogs & all dogs love him; glad I came to my senses (finally! :D)

I got custody of the dog in my divorce.  I'd have fought him tooth and nail for that dog.  It's the only thing I would've fought him for.

I have a story, but it will take some time to tell it. Maybe tomorrow.




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